You Can Always Come Back Home.

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(Y/n's POV)

"Well, now that the king's taken care of, what are we gonna do now?" I asked. "Well Y/n, the fountain is behind us and to the left, so if you guys want to seal it and go home now, you could do that." Ralsei said. "Shouldn't we be saying our goodbyes though? Just in case we never... come back..." Susie said. "Yeah, you're right. Let's go." Kris agreed. We walked back down the hallway, saying goodbye to all the Darkners we befriended. And then we saw Lancer in the throne room. "Susie! Blue person whose name I neglected to learn all along! And other person whose name I never learned! I thought you were going homeways." he said. "We were, but Kris wanted to say bye, you know?" Susie said. "More like you wanted to say bye." Kris said. "Oh!! Really!! Hohoho!! That's funny!! I knew you were coming to say bye because we're friends!" Lancer said happily. "Huh?! I mean, I didn't NOT want to! Um.. so you're the king now, huh.." Susie said. "Yes!! And I'm changing some big rules! First, Lightners are now legal! Second, prison is only for dads!" he said confidently. "Sounds like some pretty good changes. Hey, your dad was uh, protecting the fountain right? Is it okay if we like, mess with it?" Susie asked. "I have no idea! But it's you guys, so I trust you! If something bad happens, we'll fix it out!" Lancer said. "Yeah, guess we'll see I guess. Um, we'll see ya later!" Susie said. "Come back soon! There's always room in town, for a couple of clowns!" he waved off. 


We tried going back down the castle but C.Round was blocking the way, so we walked back halfway through the hallway. "Guess we should go say bye to Ralsei and leave now huh guys?" I said. "Wait- uh Y/n um... I... I need to tell you something." Kris said. "O-oh! Um- okay uh- go ahead!" I stuttered. A light blush crept up my face. Susie was staring eagerly at Kris. "I um... I.. d-do you think we should have a sleepover at my house after this?" they said sheepishly. Susie smacked her face. My light blush grew even more but my heart sank a bit. "Yeah! Y-yeah of course!" I said. I really thought... I thought they were going to confess to me. I don't know maybe I wanted it more than I thought they were actually going to. But I'm just too scared to do it myself... "Kris. Over here. Now. Uh, Y/n? Would you mind if you waited over by Ralsei? I just need to talk to Kris over here." Susie said. "Oh! Sure. See you guys by the fountain!" I said before running off. I wonder what they're gonna talk about?


(Kris' POV) 

"Kris. Over here. Now. Uh, Y/n? Would you mind if you waited over by Ralsei? I just need to talk to Kris over here." Susie said. "Oh! Sure. See you guys by the fountain!" they said before running off. I walked towards Susie, awaiting what I knew was going to be disappointment. Susie looked up ahead to see if Y/n was far enough before she could say anything. "WHAT WAS THAT?!" she said. "I KNOW, I KNOW I ACTUALLY SHOULD'VE, BUT WHAT IF THEY DIDN'T AND DON'T FEEL THE SAME?" I reasoned. "KRIS ARE YOU SERIOUS? DIDN'T YOU SEE THROUGH OUR ENTIREEEE JOURNEY, THAT THEY'VE DONE NOTHING BUT CARE ABOUT YOU AND BLUSH NEAR YOU? AND ON TOP OF THAT, THEIR ATTACK POWER INCREASED AFTER KING DOWNED YOU. THAT JUST SHOWS THEY CARE AND LOVE YOU, SO IF YOU WON'T TELL THEM YOU LIKE THEM, I WILL." Susie said stomping over to Y/n. "SUSIE WAIT. I WILL, I WILL, OKAY? ITS JUST- ITS NOT THE TIME YET... I'LL TRY AND TELL THEM TODAY OR TOMORROW." I said. "Please, tell them BEFORE we graduate?" Susie said. "Promise." I said. "What would you do without me?" Susie laughed. "Oh, shut up." I chuckled. We walked back to Y/n and Ralsei. 


"Susie, Kris, Y/n, are you guys leaving now?" Ralsei asked. "Yeah, what is it?" Y/n asked. "Um...well I just wanted to say I.....I really enjoyed meeting you three and.." he said fumbling with his hat covering his face. "Hey, can you stop mumbling into your hat for a sec? Can barely hear ya, dude." Susie said. "O-oh! I'm sorry!" Ralsei said. He took off his hat and.... he looked exactly like Asriel. Like a spitting image. My heart sunk. Seeing Ralsei without his hat on just reminds me of how Asriel left for college and left me all alone. I- I know he didn't have a choice.. but I just felt so.. empty after that... "Um...Kris, Y/n, Susie, I...I hope I can see you guys again soon. Next time I'll make you guys lots of yummy cakes, alright?" he said with a smile. Susie just stood there puzzled and Y/n gasped after seeing how fluffy he really was. "OMG!! AAAAAAA YOU'RE SO FLUFFYYY!! CAN I TOUCH YOUR EARS??" Y/n said running up to Ralsei. He isn't that fluffy anyways. I folded my arms. "Ahem, shouldn't we get going?" I said. "oooo~ somebody's jealous~" Susie whispered next to my ear. "I AM NOT JEALOUS." I whisper-yelled. "You're right Kris, let's go." Y/n agreed. We continued walking up the path and saw the fountain. We walked towards it as it started glowing rainbow. "Woah..." Y/n said amazed. "Is this...the fountain..? Dunno how but, it feels like we stumbled into something really important, didn't we? "Well no shit." Y/n said. "Well there's no time to think about that right now. It's time to go home guys." I said. I don't know what it was, but I felt... drawn towards the fountain. Both Y/n and I slowly started walking towards the fountain. Our soul appeared and glowed, as it levitated towards the middle of the fountain.. and then there was a bright light.


(Y/n's POV)

After that huge flash of light, I woke up in the dark. "Wh...what happened? I can't see anything!!" Susie said. "OF COURSE YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING IT'S PITCH BLACK." I said sarcastically. We started tripping and bumping into each other trying to find a light switch, and then the light turned on. We ended up in another classroom. Susie and Kris's skin and hair went back to normal and our outfits did too. "H..huh? The unused classroom? How'd we get here?" Susie asked. "Maybe the fountain leads or originated from here, but in the Dark World." Kris thought aloud. We were quiet for a moment. "Huh, that makes sense." Susie and I agreed. "Was...was that a dream, or was that legit?" I asked puzzled. "I don't know, but we should probably try again tomorrow, I gotta call my mom to tell her you guys are coming over." Kris said. "Oh rightttt! Do you guys wanna meet up at Kris' house or do we go to each other's house to pack, then Kris'?" I asked. "We should go to each others, plus I wanna know where you dorks live so I could possibly steal stuff from your fridges." Susie said rubbing her hands. "How would you even get in?? The door would be locked." I said. "Heh. Window." she said. "Or I could just get you food. But okay." I said. 


We finally got out of the classroom and walked towards the door. "Damn, the sun is setting already?" Susie said squinting her eyes due to the light. "There's no way its only been a day, it felt like WEEKS in there." I said. Kris's phone started ringing and they picked up. "Hello? ... Uh... I'm sorry mom. I was just.. hanging out with some friends. ... Yeah, Susie and Y/n, they're great friends. ... Thanks mom, also could they come over for a sleepover? Please? ... We'll walk to school in the morning. ... Really?! ... Thanks, bye mom!" Kris hung up. "Sooooo, what did she say?" I said. "She said we could, now who's house are we going to first? Y/n's?" Kris asked. "I mean, okay, but just be cool when I introduce you to my mom, okay?" I said. "Alright." Kris and Susie agreed. We left school and walked past the library and went up past Sans' place and my house was right next to those apartment buildings. I unlocked the door and waltzed in. "Mom?? Are you home??" I yelled. "I'm upstairs honey!" I heard her respond from her room. "Okay, do you guys wanna wait down here, or come upstairs with me?" I asked. "Kris you go on ahead, I'll stay down here." Susie said. "Try not to raid my fridge while you're at it!" I said. "No promises!" she said back. 


I walked up the stairs with Kris and knocked on my mom's room door. "Come in! Also, honey, who was that you were talking to down there?" "Uh, mom? Meet Kris Dreemurr. They're my best friend and their mom teaches the kindergarten class at school. Oh and Susie's downstairs. She's my friend too. That's who I was talking to." I introduced. "Hello, Mrs. L/n, it's a pleasure to meet you." they said. "Thank you, Kris. So how kind have you been to my child that they're giving you those eyes?" she said. "MOM!!" I said. Kris turned to me and blushed. "I'm joking, I'm joking. Now what is it Y/n?" she laughed. "Uhhh Kris' mom invited me and Susie over for a sleepover, so I was gonna go ask for permission-" "More like you were going to pack your stuff and leave if I was still at the hospital." she said. "NO I WASN'T!!" I said embarrassed. "Okay, you can go, but be careful going out at night okay? And don't stay up too late." she said. I ran up to her and hugged her. "Thanks, mom!" I said. "Come on, Kris!" I said pulling them out of her room. I found my suitcase and started stuffing stuff in there. Pajamas, toothbrush, a towel, a washcloth, some fun games to play, and clothes to wear to school tomorrow. Kris sat on my bed kicking their feet while I packed. "Um, Y/n?" Kris said. "hm?" I said looking up at them. "Uh, have you... really been looking at me like that?" they asked blushing. "U-uh, um- I- uh- *gulp* n-next question-" I looked away blushing. "Awww~ isn't that adorable?" they said and winked at me. "You can flirt all you want when we get to your room." I said then quickly covered my mouth. Kris was speechless and started blushing furiously and went downstairs. I finished packing and went downstairs. "You guys ready to go?" I looked over to Susie to see her in my fridge with a pile of food. "Uhhhhh this is to go?" she said sheepishly. "Fine, you can take it. Kris, you okay?" I asked. "Y-yeah." they said still blushing from what I presumed to be what I said to them accidentally. I can just tell this is going to be one hell of a night. 

((A/N: WE'RE FINALLY OUT OF THE DARK WORLD. also I have some yummy angst and intense flirting coming up and the angst definitely doesn't have to do with Kris' soul situation at all... 👀 but anyways have a good day/night everyone!! :DDD))                                                                                                                                

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