The Twins at age 4

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(Hey everyone, in this chapter it's been a few years and the twins are about to start preschool. I used FaceApp to create the photos of SuperCorp twin girls. And again I don't own any of the characters besides the ones that I added. Alex and Kelly ended up adopting Esme in this as well she is now nine in this fic. Ellie and Logan are now ten. Thanks so much for reading. Oh just a heads up this chapter is when Kara and Lena read the twins' diaries. The twins learned how to write and spell early on due to the fact that Lena is a genius.)

Lorelai POV

My name is Lori, I'm the daughter of Supergirl and Lena Luthor, although she changed her name from Luthor and took Mommy's last name. I'm four years old now and my twin sister and I don't get along very well. I look like Mommy but I have Mama's green eyes. Ian really wanted to look exactly like Mama so she's mad because she doesn't have Mama's green eyes. She looks like Mama but she has Mommy's ocean blue eyes. We have two little sisters and a little brother who are triplets. Our brother is the youngest, his name is Liam. And our sisters names are Lyra and Alura. My sister and I are supposed to start preschool tomorrow. I'm excited because I love making new friends. Ian doesn't like making new friends because she hates everything that I like.


My twin sister doesn't get it. People always talk about how beautiful she is and how beautiful her eyes are. They never say, "Oh my goodness look at how beautiful Ian has gotten, and those pretty little eyes." I just want to feel beautiful for once. But I guess I'm stuck being ugly. It's not fair she gets all of the good attention and all I get is, "Oh wow good effort." Our own parents even spend more time with her. I hate making new friends because every time I do they end up liking Lorelai more. Plus she gets away with everything. The other day I said that if she didn't leave me alone I would tell and she purposely ripped her sleeve and threw herself on the floor and said I got mad and pushed her. I'm getting tired of this stuff. So I'm gonna do my best to wander into the nuclear power plant where they are holding the last bit of krytonite. I don't want to live like this for much longer. And Mommy if you see this I'm sorry.

Kara POV

I slowly read the words that Ian wrote once more and decided it was time to put up some cameras. Tears fell from my face at the thought of my daughter wanting to die. "Hey honey, are you ok?" Lena said in a comforting quiet voice as she wrapped her arms around me for a hug. "No... I uh... we need to put cameras up." She looked at me confused. "Ian wrote in her diary about how she wants to die because we always take Lori's side, and favor Lori when Ian would do anything for positive attention. She wrote about the other day when Lori said she pushed her. I want cameras to prove it, because if it's true that Lori manipulated us then she needs to be punished. If Ian didn't actually do anything to her she needs to be punished for lying and then again for getting her sister into so much trouble." Lena agreed once she read the diary.

Third Person POV
*Getting Caught*
The cameras had been put up and hidden very well. Ian came home with homework from her teacher and immediately went to her and Lori's room to do the homework. Lori had homework too but she didn't want to do it yet. But she did want to bother Ian. Lori walked into their bedroom, "Hey Shitface why are you acting like such a weirdo?" Ian just looked down and tried to continue her homework. But Lori took her crayons away from her. "Look at me when I'm talking servant... You don't do your homework, you do mine unless you want me to pull the same type of trick as the other day." Ian began to cry. Just then Kara burst into the room. "Oh Mommy thank goodness. Ian threw these at me." Kara picked Ian up and carried her out to the barn. Once they were there Kara hugged and kissed her daughter. "Mama and I read your diary sweetheart, we put up cameras once we saw how you were feeling. We saw and heard everything, Lori is going to be punished Babygirl. And for what it's worth, you are not ugly. You look like Mama but with my eyes so you are one of our most beautiful babies. Auntie Alex saw the camera feed as well. So you, Logan and the triplets are gonna go spend the night with her and Aunt Kelly. Logan saw the feed as well so she wants to spend time with you." Kara explained before kissing her daughter's forehead one last time. She then took Ian to the living room where Lena then took her and hugged and kissed her before handing her to Kelly and giving Alex the overnight bag. Lori wondered what was going on. But once Alex and Kelly had driven off Kara looked at Lori with an angry face and in a firm voice she said, "Sit down." This scared Lori because Kara had never been mad at her before. "I don't understand, what did I do?" Lori said beginning to cry. Lena pulled the video feed up and pressed play. "Your treatment toward your twin sister is pure awful and she wants to die because of the way you treat her. So I built a new room onto the house. The new room is now going to be your room and no more waking us up at night saying you had a nightmare because Mama won't be able to get to you in the middle of the night. You lay alone in your bed in your extremely safe room with no roommates. And no candy or junk food for you until you finally understand how wrong you were to treat your twin as if she was trash. Right now Ian is spending time with Auntie Alex and Aunt Kelly and your cousins and siblings playing games and eating pizza and they said they are going to have milkshakes for dessert so yeah. Now you know how bad the consequences to lying are. But tonight you get to eat vegetables and no dessert. And then your bed time is 7:30 pm because you are a growing child. No if ands or buts about it. You are grounded for the first time. And we told the staff at your school about this being your first ever punishment so they know what to expect and they know that we aren't abusing you. And yes your teacher has seen the video, Mama emailed it to the entire staff." Once Kara was done talking Lori began balling her eyes out. "I don't like vegetables. I don't want a new room. I'm supposed to be the favorite twin. Why are you doing this?" "Lori sweetheart there are no favorites. We love you all equally and we will punish you all equally. Enough crying, go do your own homework and then come back down to get dinner." Lori had no choice but to obey once they put an anklet that kept her from using her powers on her ankle. She learned not to treat her siblings terribly anymore but they still wouldn't let her have roommates because they didn't want to take the chance.

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