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Final Selection Test
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FIVE YEARS WENT BY RATHER QUICKLY, Ruka passed away after a few months of her illness. You did exactly what she asked you to do, you continue training and took care of the males. Shinjoru was mostly in his room, he doesn't want to meet anyone which really saddened you. He was like a father to you and you wanted him to be back to normal again.

You and Kyojuro took care of Senjuro and thankfully he grew up with good health; however, you would always see the look of concern on his face. He was seven years old while you were fourteen and Kyojuro was fifteen. Your training continued and you finally managed to do all of the forms of the Winter Breathing successfully. Your master was pretty proud of how you were gracefully performing his breathing style, this style was made for you.

You were now preparing yourself for the Final Selection test.

You were standing with Kyojuro to go to Fujikasane Mountain where the test takes a place.

"Nii-san, Y/N nee-san, please be careful in your journey." Little Senjuro said with worry as he was with you to say goodbye. Kyojuro laughed and ruffled his little brother's hair, "Don't worry, we trained a lot for this. We will be fine, right Y/N?" Kyojuro said, flashing you a smile.

You nodded your head, giving Senjuro a smile, "Shake."

The said boy smiled sadly, "If you say so... I will be waiting for you two to return." You both nodded and waved goodbye to Senjuro.

As you both walked along the way, you were slightly trembling. You were nervous and a bit scared because you were going to fight demons and probably die if you did something wrong or miss your target. You felt someone holding your hand and you looked up, seeing that it was Kyojuro, "Are you scared, Y/N?" He asked you, that bright smile still on his face.

You shook your head to assure him that you were fine, but Kyojuro can just see the fear in your eyes. He laughed lightly which actually confused you, "You're really bad at hiding your feelings, you know. It's going to be fine, I assure you. You are really talented and I'm sure you will pass." You blushed a deep shade of red when he flashed you that bright smile. You were pretty embarrassed that you showed fear when you were supposed to support him.

"Tuna mayo." You mumbled, trying to hide the blush. Kyojuro laughed again and you raised an eyebrow, "You're really cute when you blush, Y/N chan!" He exclaimed and that made you blush more.


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You both made it safely to the mountain. You saw all those beautiful purple flowers around which were so pretty sight to see. All the time and Kyojuro was watching you observing the blossomed trees. There were a lot of people who came to participate in the test which surprised you.

All those people are here to risk their lives just to join the Demon Slayer Corps.

As you all stood there, a beautiful woman with white hair stood in front of you all. (I don't know who introduced the test when Kyojuro applied, so I'm putting Kagaya's wife in this chapter.)

"Greeting young recruits and welcome to the Final Selection." The woman started, smiling gently at you all. You were mesmerized by her soft and beautiful feathers, "This mountain has many Wisteria floors blooming every season from the mountain's foot to its slope. The area around the mountaintop does not have any Wisteria flowers and is infested with demons, which were caught alive and placed on the mountain by existing Demon Slayers. Since Wisteria is poisonous to Demons, the Demons remain trapped on the mountain top and cannot leave.Your only objective is to survive for seven nights without any outsid aid." She explained while gulped down your fear, "You all can go now and I wish you good luck." The woman added before everyone was now leaving.

You were about to go when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turned around and was meet with Kyojuro's golden orbs, "Be careful Y/N, let's meet here again okay?"


You stated and turned to leave. Kyojuro stood there, watching as you walked away from him. All he could see was your silky white hair moving with the wind.

 All he could see was your silky white hair moving with the wind

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"Please survive." He thought, starting to walk toward the mountaintop.

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You walked very cautiously as you held your sword tightly in your hands, head moving left and right if there was any demons nearby.

When you took a step, a demon suddenly jumped in front of you, "Ooohhh, a female human. Just my lucky day." He said as he smirked at you. You frowned as your grip tightened around the sword handle, "Sujiko." You mumbled and the demon looked at you with confusion.

"Huh? No matter, I will devour you!"

He launched at you and you moved away just in time, "Winter Breathing: First Form: Ice Slash." You thought as you concentrate the sword with ice, swing it, and releases the energy as a flying slash, killing the demons instantly. You sighed in relief and smiled, you managed to achieve your first kill.

The next few hours went the same, meeting weak demons and killing them quickly. You didn't know why you were afraid in the first place, it was easy. However, you were still worried about Kyojuro. You kept on assuring yourself that he would be fine and that he is stronger than you, so he can definitely survive this test without your help.

Time went quickly and you found yourself in the final night. You ended up with some injuries and bruises, but nothing too major. Up until now, you killed about thirteen demons which was a good number.

As you ran through the forest, you started to feel a little ominous. It felt like someone is watching you from somewhere. You stopped and started to look around the area you were in, "Takana." You mumbled, being aware of your surroundings.



A very muscular demon jumped down with a powerful thump and growled at you. He seemed to be very savage since he never talked or made a normal approach like any other demon you encountered. He dashed toward you and you jumped away just in time, "Winter Breat-..." You didn't get to finish as you got punched by the demon, making you hit the tree. He was pretty fast for his size, "Mentaiko..." You cursed under your breath, standing up quickly before he can attack you again.

"Fifth Form: Snow Blast!" You charged toward the demon at high speed and delivered a single thrust. The demon crossed his arms in front of his face to shield himself and to weaken your attack.

You did a back flip to move away and started to pant deeply, this demon was a very difficult opponent to you and you have to kill him to survive.

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