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"Do you think Jungkook knows what he's doing?"

Jin raised his eyes to his brother, sitting right in front of him, in the armchair in front of the desk. Namjoon was laid back, ankle poised on top of his thigh while he made the chair move from side to side slowly. He seemed deep in thought, a frown in his brows and his lips pressed.

"What do you mean, exactly?" Jin asked back, a little confused by the question.

"Well, you know. That woman upstairs could be a whole lot of trouble. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all up for helping those in need... and the poor girl was in definite need of help. But what if she's a criminal?" Namjoon rambled, the gears in his head turning and making logic out of his thoughts "That or she's in with demons, we don't know. If she was chased by them, something must have happened."

Jin sighed as he leaned back on his chair as well, starting to tap his pen on the little pile of papers he had going on on top of the desk.

"I thought of all of that, you know? I'm sort of fearing she could be a female demon, too. Those would be real trouble."

Namjoon raised his brows, as if the thought hadn't crossed his mind and he was now considering the many scenarios that could happen. All of them terrible. And bloody.

"Well, that would suck..."

"And we wouldn't have magic to keep her at bay, either." Jin reminded, nodding slightly.

"So... why are we keeping her?"

"Because I think Jungkook is bonding with her. And that helps scratch the possibility of her being a demon."

"Woah! Bonding?! She's been sleeping ever since we brought her, the guy doesn't even know her name." Namjoon scoffed, then, incredulous over what had been said.

"She doesn't even need to be awake for him to feel a connection, Joon."
Namjoon widened his eyes, a little awestruck.

"Holy shit, you're right."

Jin, agreeing, ended up throwing aside the pen in his hand. It was frustrating but nothing could be done.

"How do you know, though?"

When Jin looked up again, Namjoon was narrowing his eyes at him, confused and trying to read the older vampire.

"I've seen it happen. And sometimes all it takes is just a glance. No words needed, I tell you. When you know, you know." Jin shrugged before starting to get up and move away from behind the desk.

"You know that because you've seen it? Or because you've had it happen to you? You sound like you know what you're talking about."

It was Jin's turn to scoff, only this time he chuckled as well.

"What are you talking about, you know I'm not bonded with anyone, Namjoon."

"Yeah, no tats on your wrists. But I'm just saying you know what you're talking about." Namjoon insisted, not giving up on his suspicion.

"Well, yeah. I've stared at the right pair of eyes, once."

Namjoon tilted his head, confused, watching as his lifelong friend exit the office.

~Sass 😘

The Coven: Book 1 | BTS ffWhere stories live. Discover now