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I jerked up right suddenly gasping for air. I groaned as I hit my head on the ceiling of a cage I seemed to be in. I held my head as my memories flooded back to me. I glared straight forward at nothing in particular setting my mind on revenge. I scanned my surroundings and found no one else in the small room I was in. I looked at the vine holding my cage together. I scoffed. This is too easy. I grabbed a pocket knife I had in a thigh case I always had strapped on. I quickly broke the cage open and closed it again. There were like three hallways. I heard a lot of voices at the end of one and decided that that's probably the exit so I also decided I would have to stay hidden once I get out. "leaving so soon love?" I whipped around to see an all too familiar face with a smug smile plastered across it. I glared at the boy I saw before I was knocked out. "Who are you?" I questioned in a threatening way holding my knife in clear view. "I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet." he suddenly got very serious. "I'm peter.... Peter pan."

~Peters POV~
She gave me the look all the new lost girls gave me. When I get new lost boys they usually gave me a different look that showed they were ready for a fight. All the lost girls either admire my beautiful mess or they looked at me like I was mental. Sometimes even both. Suddenly I was pushed against the nearest wall with a knife to my throat. I smiled down at her. "oh love, I'm not gonna hurt you.... possibly." She pursed her lips at me and pushed the knife against my throat harder. I laughed. she seemed slightly phased. "what so funny you price of junk." "you" I said as in a 'duh' kind of way. with a swift motion she moved so she was twisting my arm behind my back and holding the knife to my throat too. "you have fire... I like fire." I smirked and tilted my head to look at her. She blushed and I could see her crystal blue eyes sparkling slightly. Truth is I use that line on every girl who I take to never land. It's fun to have some lost girls with all my boys. I started to not only get lost boys when some of there hormones would push them to make out with each other. when I started bringing girls the boys were fighting over just one and then we took her on adventures with us and being a girl she would usually die easily then I would have to get another. soon I made the rule that girls must stay at camp and now I have 26 lost girls. Well 27 now. Some were kind of sluts and were given the job of sex toys so the guys didn't have to bang each other which limited them to less work for me the next day. The others would help in the food department. cooking what we brought back to camp. None of the girls ever went against me. They all thought I was gorgeous. I was only interested in 2 of them. Wendy was the first lost girl I brought onto the island. so I guess it was just the new ness that drew me too her. she died though and it never really affected me. the other was Alexis. she was beautiful. she had the greyest eyes with light brown hair. she was my perfect dark angel. Her job was obviously as a sex toy but only when I had the time. I made sure none of lost boys were aloud to use her. She was mine and mine only. All the girls liked me and I would use them to mix things up a bit sometimes.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I was suddenly released as i fell to the ground. She smirked down at me. I swiftly got up. "So you ready to be a lost girl?" She eyed me carefully. I extended a hand. she cautiously took it as I pulled her into camp. as we stepped into the light everyone cheered and surrounded her. In the light her strawberry blonde hair was glowing beautifully and my eyes skimmed each and every curl. I noticed a smile across her face as everyone made her feel welcome so she would be more obedient. I clapped twice. "Everyone back to work jake is in charge while I show our newbie around." "I have a name you now." She glared daggers and had her head held high. "oh yes sorry what's your name love." "Cody." she announced proudly. It was a good name. I gave all the girls nicknames that were like guys names and I didn't have to for Cody. Alexis was Alex. Samantha was Sam. Ally was Al. Tina Johnson was TJ. Etc.
As I showed her around I had her on a trial to see such job she would get. I was getting frustrated because at the end of showing her the entire camp it was inconclusive. well more she would be perfect for both positions. "I don't get you"I said after a while. "what do you mean?"
"Well it's just...." I then began to explain girl jobs and how she would be Perfect for both. We then came up with an agreement after some coaxing that she do a little it of both jobs and then a little extra things like doing laundry and making baskets and cages so the lost boys didn't. suddenly someone walked up to we're me and Cody were. "hey Peter I'm free all night tonight and we all heard you say you were finally finished with your project for a while so how bout it?" alexis asked and then winked. "maybe." I responded. she just stuck out her bottom lip and batted her eye-lashes. she was getting on nerves "Alexis tonight we are having a party and all the boys get a break tomorrow. I'm going to want sleep after the party so not tonight but maybe later K babe?" she rolled her eyes. "Why do we have to celebrate this sorry excuse of a lost girl? Why can't we just kill her and get her it of the way?" "She hasn't proven herself week yet plus Ive kind of been waiting to get Rose and Davie out of my life forever." And with that my dark angel stormed away..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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