Chapter 1: Aubrie POV

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"Get that prisoner!"

Everything was riding on this.

So, just a normal old day for Aubrie Woodard.

"Kadence, can I have a boost?"

Her best friend, Kadence Archer pushed her off, and she jumped down the balcony, propelling herself and landing straight on her feet. Not the most convenient way, but most evil villain lairs lack staircases.

"I'm getting pretty good at that." Aubrie muttered to herself.

Legacy Harrington (Her other best friend) and Kadence followed her.

"Locks. Enchanted or not?" Kadence asked

"Probably enchanted" Legacy responded "You might want to stand back"

Aubrie and Kadence nodded. Legacy knew spells better than anyone else. It was best to trust her judgement when it came to the wand.

Legacy muttered an incantation.

The door flew open with an alarming blast of light.

What were they doing, you might ask? They had received word that a prisoner was being held here. They had attempted infiltration before, but they didn't want to risk getting discovered. And why had they been asked to do this? It was their job.

They were the Wishtresses, a group of select witches dedicated to the destruction of evil. The Wishtresses had been a tradition for thousands of years. And within only a few years, the girls were constantly praised for their work - sometimes being considered the best of the ages. That was a role they took very seriously. And they were not about to break their streak.

Their wands lit, they followed into the dark room.

"We're in the right direction?"


They navigated the way through the lair. It was dark and dingy, but everything glowed blue. Sort of a stereotypical villain lair.

"Hold back," Kadence said.

Sure enough, figures had appeared in the distance. And one of those was tied to a chair

"Don't come any closer" Figure #1 warned. "Or she dies"

Aubrie rolled her eyes. They'd heard that so many times. Clearly some Witches and wizards forget things sometimes. Obviously, they could just cast a spell to take out all of them. Rules followed. She would have laughed, but that would have let him know that they were confident already. Better let him think they were worthless.

It was her turn now. Play up the talking to get what they wanted.

"What's the point? What do you want from her?" Aubrie asked.

"What we want from her isn't important to you"

"Oh, but it is. You see, you're threatening me, if you come any closer she dies, blah blah blah, But if she's unimportant, what kind of threat is that? You need to go back to villain school, if you ask me"

"She's very important"

"Defensive, aren't you?" Aubree grinned.

That did it. The figure fired his wand

And, boom, it was a clash of the wands. But the Wishtresses were well trained. In a matter of minutes, the battle was over. They had won.

The 3 girls ran up to the chair. Legacy checked for enchantments, and once she gave the all clear, Kadence ripped the ropes.

They got their first clear look at the girl. She was brown haired, with grey eyes. She had an aura about her that Aubrie couldn't quite place. Excitement, but a little different. A little calmer.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks to you guys" She grinned "I'm Rebecca Franklin. Are you the Wishtresses?"

"Yup. Can you come with us until we can get you back home?"

"Um, I don't really have a home"

"Oh. Well, can you come with us until further notice?"



The Wishtress house was hidden deep in the forest, but was quite nice. It was equipped for comfortable living, housing prisoners, and, of course, battle. It was quite large. Rebecca seemed quite in awe.

Aubrie showed Rebecca her room and explained the small rules. Rebecca fell asleep as soon as Aubrie left. Not surprising - Aubrie could imagine being held hostage was quite exhausting. Fighting the people that were keeping her hostage certainly was.

As she left the room, Aubrie grinned. Another mission gone perfectly right.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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