skz reaction to seeing you dance

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IT HAS BEEN SO LONG SINCE I WROTE BUT OKAY. this is skz reaction to seeing you dance for the first time lmfao?

Bang Chan

he would just stand in a corner and watch you.

like, staring through your soul.

until youd notice and youd get so shy (got me frozen i gEt sO sHy iTs oBviOus)

he would just laugh and praise you.

stuff like "ooo, my baby knows how to dance."

hed probably brag about you to the members later lmfao

Lee Know


do i even have to say anything for this one?

*walks in*

"you look like a whale doing that"

*walks away*



i have a vision that he and chan would have a similar reaction

he would stand in a corner as well.

just watching you and you wouldnt even notice

when your done he would just clap for you and give u a kiss ofc

surprised i didnt mention noisy for him lmfao



he would see you 

watch you for a bit

and ask if both of you could dance together

and yeah yall would dance to romantic songs :)


manz would praise you sm lmfao.

(i feel like all of these are ab watching what. i cant think of anything else.)

he would smile

and then leave with no comment lmfao.



you would notice him

and hed just tell you

"dw keep on dancing" or sum

manz would just stay there

being so happy lmfao


i think he would just be there to just watch you

and then say

"the booty distracted me"
and just leave


I.N (jeongin)


he would just start cringing

no shit sherlock.


k any suggestions tho-

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