Welp should go and get ready to head down the mountain range said Winston as they gather their things and the sun started to raise, the shape of a town could be seen. Maybe will find something pretty or yummy said gabe, were not here for food you snacker said henry were here for the loot cause will be rich and to pay the bills for the cabin seriously we live on a mountain. Once they got down from the mountain, The three walked into the bank looked around for any guards and camera's they spotted a few and took them out then it was time. Put your hands up this is a robbery said Winston everyone shot their hands up high scared that they might die. Ok you stay with the prisoners me and henry will go get some loot also be look out said Winston, hey why do I have to be with the prisoners exclaimed gabe, cause I said so Replied Winston. Winston and henry both ran behind the counter and deeper inside the building while gabe stayed put. (Forgot to add this but their wearing disguises) they soon met with the vault door and had to hack into it, um henry did you bring the code breaker I forgot mine said Winston, don't worry I got it said henry while opening the vault and soon a flash of colors of gold,silver, and diamond blue hit their eyes. Its so beautiful said henry and its all ours said Winston so they grabbed as much loot as they could then gabe started yelling so they booked it worried they would get caught till they meet up with him. bone head whats wrong you scared us said henry. Ok ok first I'm not a bone head second the entrance is blocked what do we do if we go threw the front will get arrested yelled gabe, don't worry I have a plan remember when I asked you to get some shovels said Winston, oh yeah said gabe, (flash back) hey before we go on the heist make sure to get some shovels said Winston, but why were stealing money said gabe, cause it will come in handy replied Winston. ( end of Flash Back) so the three went to the darkest part of the bank and started digging a hole they kept digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging and digging, till they finished digging the tunnel and met sunlight far away from the bank, then they headed back home and hid their riches after buying expense ingredients to make a tasty feast then went to sleep. (But soon their journey, their fate will find the hoped you enjoyed and sorry for not posting in a long time I get huge writers block well bye I'm tired of typing and its late)