Meet Mrs.Diksha Yuvaraj

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"Diksha all the best.But don't strain too much.Take care baby"her parents said in phone."Thank you mom and dad.I will call you at evening"she said."Dear ,this is your 4th month(pregnant) ,so please take care or else i request you to take maternity leave"Yuvaraj(Diksha's husband)said."No ,i will take care.Please don't worry"Diksha said and hugged him.He dropped her in the court and went to his office."Welcome on board Mrs.Diksha Yuvaraj"her friends gathered around her and greeted."Thank you so much ,guys"Diksha said and hugged them."Come let us go inside"Diksha said.All other advocates greeted her."Madam ,it's nice to have you again"Cheif head and Main head said to her."Thank you so much ,sir.Its a pleasure to work with you all"Diksha said."Same here mam"they said and exchanged smiles."You became very famous in our court after solving the Ganga Mystery case which took place at two years ago.You are sharp ,smart and intelligent"Main head said."Thank you so much sir"Diksha said."Madam ,can you solve this case ?"Mr.Subash(Main head) asked and handed over a file."The accused has killed a boy and till now we are questioning him about this but there isn't a single word coming out of his mouth.We are still handling this case for almost a year.So ,now it's your turn ,can you take care of this ?.Just see for one week ,if he isn't telling anything ,we will shoot him"Mr.Subhash said."I hope you can do it"Mr.Raju(Cheif said) said.Diksha became tensed and nervous."Yes sir ,i will handle it but can you extend it from one week to six months ?"she asked."Why madam?"they asked."Sir ,i need to know more about him and then only i can start questioning him"Diksha said."Okay mam.But will it be worthy?"they asked."I will try my best ,sir"Diksha said and smiled at them."Okay mam.He is Ganapathy.He will be your assistant in this case"Main head said."Sir ,if you don't mind can i say something?"Diksha said."Yes mam"they said."I will handle this on my own.I don't need a assistant"she said."Madam this is a crime case and you are pregnant.You can't strain too much ,so please keep him with you"they said.Diksha nodded and smiled at Ganapathy."You have to collect all the details regarding him and send that to Madam"they said."Sure sir ,i will do it"Diksha said."This is a picture of him"Ganapathy said and handed over a photo to her.Diksha looked at the picture and started to have tears in her eyes."His name is Varun.He is 28 year old guy who is a software engineer"Ganapathy said.Diksha sat in the chair in shock and drank water.

What happened to Diksha ? Why did she cried looking at Varun's picture ?
We will see this in the next chapter.
Take care and stay safe people.Thank you so much everyone for your precious reads!!

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