Tattoo Roulette

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The boys and I are standing while James talk to the camera.

"We're about to play what is probably the craziest game we've ever had on our show. It's a game that I am already regretting thinking of." James stated, I chuckled.

"It's time for 'Tattoo Roulette' with One Direction!" James spoke.
"Here's how it works, on this table we have six boxes. Inside five of them is the word 'Safe'. Inside one of them is the word 'Tattoo'." James explained, making us laugh a bit.

"Each of us will choose a box. The person whose box says 'Tattoo' in it will get a tattoo right here live on the show" James stated. The audience cheered.

"We have a tattoo artist standing by, okay." James added, walking towards us.

"Now Niall, you are the only member of the band who doesn't have tattoos.
How are you feeling about this?" James asked Niall. I looked at Niall who looks nervous.
"I don't like this" Niall replied, making me laugh.


We all chose a box and I'm standing between Harry and Niall, waiting for the others to open their box.

Liam, Louis, James opened their box and they're safe.

Once Harry opened his box and it was safe, I hugged Niall who's more stressed than before.

"Y/N, It's time to open your box" James called, I walked back to my box and tapped it.
"I'll feel really bad if Niall got the tattoo" I joked, The audience laughed.

I pursed my lips, the lights turned dim, Niall placed his hand over his eyes, scared of the outcome.

"I guess.." I opened the box and saw the word 'tattoo'.

Niall and James cheered, happy that Niall didn't get the tattoo.

I scrunched my nose, accepting the hug from Louis.

Niall came up to me, giving me tight hug.

"Y/N Y/L/N is getting tattooed right now. Have you thought where you're gonna get it?" James asked, dragging me to sit.
"Maybe my forehead" I joked, James chuckled.
"Put it in your ankle" Harry suggested, I nodded, removing my shoe.


After getting the small tattoo, I felt the after pain but it was bearable.

I gave a thumbs up, smiling. I revealed the tattoo to the audience, who cheered for me.

"Looks nice" Louis complimented, I grinned.
"Thanks Tommo" I thanked him.

Niall gave me another hug, relieved that he didn't get the tattoo.

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