𝙱𝚎𝚗𝚗𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝚕𝚊𝚗

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A knock on Riley's window woke the sleeping blonde, she rubbed her eyes and wiped away the drool from her cheek before sitting up and opening her window to see Benny there. "Hey Benny," Riley sleepily spoke causing the boy to swoon. "I had a dream. Get dressed. We're goin' to The Sandlot," Benny told her before leaning forward and kissing her cheek. He moved away from her window to wake Scotty, Riley blushed from his forward action.

Riley quickly changed into some jeans and a random baseball tee, slipping on her PF Flyers before placing her cap on her head; all of which with much difficulty due to her wrist. She made her way out of her room meeting Scotty in the hallway, both kids rushed out the door where Benny was waiting for the two of them. Benny nodded to Scotty and the boy smiled before walking ahead of the two older teens.

Riley furrowed her brows as she turned to Benny, "What was that about?" Benny took a deep breath before looking at Riley. He was silent as he removed his cap and ran his fingers through his hair, running his tongue across his bottom lip. "I, uh, wanted to talk to you about something," Benny said vaguely leaving Riley more confused than she already was. He looked down and shook his head before stopping her and grabbing her uninjured hand.

"Riley Smalls... Did you, uh..." Benny stuttered nervously causing Riley to smile slightly. Benny cleared his throat as Babe Ruth's words echoed through his head. "Riley, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Benny asked in a slightly rushed tone knowing it was the only way he'd be able to say it without stumbling on his words or backing out. Riley stared at Benny only making him more nervous before Riley suddenly pulled him in for a kiss.

She wrapped her arms around Benny's shoulders, his hands landed on her waist as they kissed. Riley pulled away slowly with a smile, "I'd love to be your girlfriend." Benny's smile widened before he lifted Riley off of the ground and spun her around causing her to giggle. Once the two calmed down, they walked to The Sandlot hand in hand with happy smiles. Benny's confidence had been boosted and he was ready to face the Beast in the badlands.

── ⚾️ ──

Scotty Smalls

Only one kid in history had ever attempted what Benny was about to do, and he got eaten. So we were worried, real worried, even when Benny brought out the secret weapon, shoes guaranteed to make a kid run faster and jump higher, P.F. Flyers. The same pair Riley wore every day, their mint condition was enough to make any teenage boy swoon.

Riley watched him closely that day. We knew that she didn't believe the story about the Beast but she also knew that dogs can be protective of their own territory and she didn't want to watch the boy she cared deeply for, get hurt. I knew my sister was cursing her cast, she would help him if she didn't have that cast limiting what she could do.

── ⚾️ ──

Third Person

Riley stood next to Bertram and DeNunez as she watched Benny stand up straight and stare down the fibreglass fence before him. Scotty stepped forward, grabbing Benny's arm to gain his attention. "Benny- wait. It's okay, it was my fault. I'll just take whatever I get. You don't have to do this," Scotty said with a concerned expression but Benny simply glanced at Riley before looking back at Scotty. "Yeah I do, Smalls. I have to," Benny simply stated.

Benny turned away from Scotty and swallowed hard as he stared at the fence. And with that, he swings himself onto the top of the fence and balances carefully. "...Follow your heart, kid, and you'll never go wrong," Babe Ruth's words echoed through his mind and with that he looked back one last time to Scotty and Riley before plunging into the badlands. Benny stands frozen still as he stared down underneath the lean-on.

Dust rises from thereunder, chains clink as the Beast rose to its feet. It materializes piece by piece; four feet the size of a catcher's mitt, bulking head and shoulders, hulking flank and haunches. Benny's mouth hangs open. He's frozen staring down the Beast and to him, it's worse than Squints recounted - Because it's real. The Beast lingers eight feet away with slack in the chain then it spits something out, which rolls in the dirt before stopping in between them.

Right there, lying in the dirt was the signed Babe Ruth baseball, the prize in this stand-off that would make Benny the hero in the story. A pickle. Benny measures the Beast, its eyes glued to Benny as its flopping, hot-water-bottle tongue pants, its leather'd nose twitches - smelling for movement. The toe of Benny's PF Flyer digs into the cracked earth. CLINK. The Beast leans forward - one chain link lifts from the ground.

Benny spits, blowing his tanks. The Beast bristles. Benny's eyes widen, focusing before the stand-off breaks. Benny goes for the ball, the Beast's knotted muscles quaver and uncoil as he rushes towards Benny. Benny's PF Flyers leave behind tiny dust roosters. The Beast's claws dig deep furrows. Fog banks of dust spread out behind it. Benny leaves scrambling footprints before he slides - grabs the ball - then pops up with Maury Will's fashion.

Benny runs for the fence as he fumbles the ball for a moment, the team on the other side of the fence wait anxiously for their friend to return. Riley bites down on her lip as she taps her fingers of the cast on her arm, the one thing holding her back from jumping the fence herself. Benny springs off of the ground and he vaults over the fence causing the team to stumble back. Riley smiles at Benny and goes to take a step when a shadow cast over them.

The Beast had broken from its chains and followed Benny over the fence, Riley stepped back at the sight of the large dog. Benny - still holding the ball in his hand - takes off away from the Beast who follows after him like a game of tag. The two vanish out of the Sandlot leaving the team dumbfounded. "What're we waiting for? Let's go!" Riley called out before running after them, the rest of the team following behind her at a distance due to her being faster.

The team chase after Benny and the Beast, they soon found themselves at the town square in search of them. "Wait, there!" Squints pointed out for everyone. Benny's eyes landed on Riley as he rushed by them. "SANDLOT!" He called out before continuing on his way. Riley turned to the team, "Well, you heard him!" They nodded and rushed off. "Shortcut!" Ham called out before they all followed after him where they found themselves back at the Sandlot but no Benny.

"Where is he?" DeNunez asks the others as Riley watched both entrances. "There he is!" Riley called out, pointing to where Benny was running towards them with the Beast in tow. "LOOK OUT!" Benny calls, Bertram and Timmy grabbed Riley and pull her back as Benny slides across the dirt before pushing off of the ground and back onto the fence. He looks back at the dog chasing behind him before pushing off of the fence just as the Beast almost caught him.

Then, the fence shook from the unexpected trials of the day and collapsed causing a cloud of dust to fill the air. Riley's heart lurched as she waited for the dust to clear in hopes that Benny was okay. She looked up to see Benny standing safely on the other side of the fence but her focus was taken when she heard a quiet whine. She looked down to see the Beast trapped underneath the fence, her eyes widened before she maneuvered her way around towards it.

She knelt down by the dog, ignoring the pain it would cause in her arm and attempted to lift the fence off of the dog. "Help me! He's hurt!" Riley called as her eyes watered. She pushed the fence upwards, searing pain coursed through her broken wrist but she didn't care. Scotty rushed over and began helping his sister, the two trying as hard as they could. A single tear fell down Riley's face as she closed her eyes, the fence suddenly lifted allowing the dog to escape.

Riley fell back from the fence, opening her eyes she noticed Benny had helped them lift the fence. She turned her head to the dog standing before her, everyone was frozen in place with no clue what to do. Riley slowly raised her uninjured hand to the dog's head and began scratching behind his ear, the dog in return licked away the stray tears from her face causing her to giggle. Benny's heart soared at the sound of her laugh, the smile on his face couldn't be wiped away.

Riley tilted her head to see his name tag, a smile appeared on her face. "Hercules, huh?" Riley spoke causing the large dog to wag his tail and yap like a puppy. With Hercules help, she got off of the ground and dusted off her pants. "What a mess..." Riley whimpered out as she held her broken wrist, her arm burned in pain and she knew that would mean more time out of the game, yet she wasn't too worried because she would always be a part of the team.

── ⚾️ ──

-Rose <3

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