♡ Chapter - 6 ♡

933 29 40

Date: 25 February 2022

( At school )

( Aika's pov )

I was walking down the school hallways waiting for the bell to ring . As usual, I am early . Mom always drops me at this time cuz of her strict work time . I don't mind it .

The only thing which is running in my head is Sasuke liking Naruto . I feel betrayed . I tried so hard to give him hints but he just pushed me aside . I didn't expect that and on top of that, he had to buy a promise ring . My brain isn't even working . I have to do something before Sasuke confesses to Naruto .

" Heyy Aikaa !! " A girl waved at me . Do I know her ? How does she know my name? Is she a stalker ?!?!?

" Me ?.." I ask . That was the dumbest question ever . Of course, it's me .

" Yes, you silly !! " She giggled .

" You already forgot about me ?! " She wined .

" Sorry.." I apologize .

" It's fine , but I am the girl you talked with yesterday , Lucky ! " She replied . Oh, her..to be honest, I am not even mad that I don't remember her . I was way too busy staring at Sasuke anyway .

" Oh yeahh , but I don't quite remember telling you my name.." I responded . This girl scares me .

" Everyone here knows your name ! "

" How ? " I ask .

" Well, the main reason is you hanging out with no other than Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto . " She said proudly .

" Woah these two are popular here , aren't they ? "

" You just realized?! Everyone just adores their friendship no one can ruin it " She answered with a soft smile .

" No one can ruin it ?..."

" Nope ! " She answered with confidence .

Well, you don't know if you didn't try..It wouldn't hurt to give it a shot ? Maybe I can achieve my goal ?... It's a 50 / 50 chance .

" Aika , I will go now my friends are waiting for me ! " She said running into her class .

Thanks, Lucky .

" Aikaaa !! " A male but not so male voice spoke .

I turned back to see it was Naruto running towards me , holding Sasuke's hand ?!?! This bitch-

" Hii Naruto " I greeted .

" Naruto , Sasuke !! " Sakura yelled from far away .

" Sakura-channnnn ! " Naruto ran towards Sakura with Sasuke . Sasuke doesn't seem to mind it at all . I followed them too since I don't have anything to do .

" Did you guys finish your assessments? " Sakura asked .

" Wait..WE HAD AN ASSIGNMENT ?!?! " Naruto yelled . Did he forget about the assignment that Kakashi sensei gave us ?!

" Pfft- BAHAHAHAH " Sakura started laughing like a maniac . On the other side, Sasuke was struggling to hold his laughter .

Soon Naruto's smile dropped and his lips formed into a pout . Such a baby ! What does he need now ? A baby bottle ?!?

" You guys are mean !! " He mumbled .

" It's your fault for sleeping , do you know sensei will add 20% into our result card if we do this assessment ? "

" Oh no..I will fail " He cried out .

" You can ask sensei for an extra day " Sakura recommended .

" Did I ever tell you how much I love you Sakura ? " Naruto said jokingly making Sasuke smack his head .

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