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This morning was the winner off all bad mornings I've ever had. I don't have work, I have a furenal to attend. I took a shower and are like usual,but my heart is full of sadness. Its impossible. I never thought I'd have to wake up one morning knowing I can't tell momma about what I did later in the evening or take her to eat. It is a living curse, "I thought". It feels like a curse,but really its life's cycle,but my gosh it hurts so bad. Yes, I feel better about her being with God. I hope she with God.

After recalling everyone to remind them I dressed in the Pure White dress and Held a bouquet of roses... All black except the odd red rose in the very middle. I still was dumbfounded on the fact that she choose me to wear white instead of Cole black its unusual,but its what she wanted so its what I'll do. Also I haven't seen my siblings since I was 15 I'm not scared,but I'm actually excited, but I still morn on the fact that my momma is gone......

"Well that's that, I said"

I headed to the church to take one last look at momma before they closed the coffin. She was beautiful. The nurses had cleaned her up, dressed her up, and put bows in her old gry and white hair. Even know she was dead she was still as pretty as an angle to me. I still can't imagine what her thoughts were tho, it makes me wonder. I looked around to see if anyone was watching and I took her had and put it in mine. I intended to see her thoughts. I sorted thru tears and blood shed. The last thing she thought about is me standing be side this really strong person with a blue dress on they came to my knees, it was brod daylight and the man brought me roses. The roses were all withe except the odd one in the middle it was black. All of a sudden he took my wrist and wrote "the one that got away". Then he smile at me and we began laughing........
I took my hand from hers and put it back like it was. Then I put my hand over her four head and took a look. She was sitting straight up on a purple bed with a man pouring her a drink. a black man. He was tall and he was buff, they hugged for a while and then they began touching and doing the adult thing. I quickly took my had from her four head and made a face. Dad died three years ago she always talked about how much she loved him,but they are divorced and they cheated on each other an me and my siblings suffered. The man in her vision or thought was my dad, I'm positive about that.

I felt at ease that she thought something good instead of bad before she died. It makes me happy.

Before walking away from her coffin i said a small prayer for momma and let a tear stream from my light brown eyes.

On the way out to the door i ran into my four bothers Clayton, Spencer, Nicklaus, and Aden. I hadn't seen them in forever.
They all looked at me. I couldn't tell what their emotions were,but Aden was the first to smile at me & he was the quickest to wrap his arms around me and squeeze me. They all teared up. Spencer and Nicklaus hugged me at the same time. Clayton huged me last. We had so Much conflict when we were younger,but this hug felt like it was a new start. Soon after our reunion or whatever they went to see mom and I went outside.

Its still eats me from the inside out that she's gone.

I went outside while everyone finished sating goodbye to mom. Soon to soon the grave diggers came and loaded mom up. Everybody went to grab a bite to eat to pass a hour by before we all huddled around to see her body put in its final rest place.

I went to a Chinese restaurant because I knew no one I know you be there.
When I arrived to the restaurant I took a seat and waited for my waiter. I ordered a sweet tea with ice. That's about all I could get down with out throwing up. My waiter seemed curious and troubled. I reassured him with a smile. "I lied".
While I was at my table the same waiter that waited me just kept starring .
I tryed not to pay any attention to him but it was almost impossible. His gaze was like a pircing knife. But soon enough I broke it and hopped in my car and drove off.

Everyone was standing around the hole in the ground and the coffin that was shut closed. I walked slowly with a gaint bukay of flowers in my two palms. Everyone,every single person had their eyes on me. It was creepy,but its what mom wanted so its what I'm doing.

"I don't like being the center of attention but here I am in the spotlight of a women's death or put away"

I stopped right beside my bother Aden. The preacher said a few words in grace then made an announcement. He held a picece of paper.

He started..

"Dear children I hope you all were at my furenal and I hope that you won't morn to much. I am sorry I have to leave you here alone,but my grace is all gone. I leave my land and money to my sons. And I leave my thanks, honor, pride and joy to my least favorite child Journey. Journey dear you are my light and my night you beat me in life even when you were a child. You taught Me a lesson. Your words moved mountians in my heart,body, mind,and soul. Even know you wasn't my pick out of the bunch you showed me more love than any of my favorites,you kept my faith going,when I was hard heard you were stern with me. thank you."

It teard me up,but I didn't cry.

Everyone had left. I was the only one to waited till the grave diggers were done,but soon they were gone,too. So its just me now alone. Alone.Alone.Alone.

I stayed there all day. I went home later. I got in the door at 9:40pm. I collapsed on the bed. I wasn't. Covered or showered (not that I was dirty) I haven't ate or undressed. I fell asleep flat on my belly and shoes on and all.

My last thoughts before falling asleep was. .
"I'll never forget that this is the day that momma went home"

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