17 real life.

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Standing in the mirror, belle looks at her reflection. Staring down at someone who's too fat, too ugly, resembles a whale to all the haters. Shaking her head, she wipes her tears. Wishing that she hadn't taken the job at ferrari. It's a dream come true but her mom told her many times that if it brings her more sadness than happiness, then it's not worth it.

She dries her tears with the hem of her shirt, checking her outfit one more time. Looking at herself and not recognising the girl in front of her.

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(A/n)  fyi belle does not have tattoos!

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(A/n) fyi belle does not have tattoos!

She smiles bitterly at herself, knowing that her life was easier when she didn't had the job at ferrari or knew lando and the other drivers but she knows that not having those guys in her life would make her even more sad. She knows that! But then again... why does it feel to her that all that pain is there because she knows lando.

Shaking her head, belle grabs her camera and purse, leaving out of the door. Looking around to see if anyone was in the hallway. The last thing she wants right now is to bump into anyone.

She had promised her cousin, she would meet him in the lobby so that he could take her to the track. Belle had on purpose stayed longer in her room to use an excuse to charles.

"Belle!"  Charles calls out.


"You eaten yet?" Belle shakes her head

"Not hungry though." She tells her cousin.

Charles sighs but keeps his mouth, knowing that arguing with belle never worked with her. Giving her a worried look before they head to the car, where a waiting charlotte is.

"Girl!" Char squeals.

Belle hugs her tightly before they step into the car and drove off to the track. Belle stares out of the window, looking at her phone every couple seconds, scared there is going to be another insta pop up about her being a fat whale.

While the girls chat, waiting for the boys to get ready for the race. Kelly sits next to belle, having belle's phone in her purse and keeping the anxious girl in her arms after a couple of nasty fans of lando had called belle a fat whale.

The girls all had agreed not to tell any of the guys about this. They have a race to think and worry about. They mostly don't want to tell Lando and Charles. Lando would blame the attitude of his fans on himself and Charles would become so protective that he would go feral.

"It isn't true, belle." Char tries to convince the youngest girl.

"I know." Her voice soft and almost inaudible.

Kelly had been stroking belle's hair for a while as the young girl had fallen asleep. As the boys arrive, sitting with them. Charles looks at belle, giving her a worried look again.

"Belle okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine." Char says, kissing her boyfriend.

Trying to distract her boyfriend from his cousin as they really didn't want to tell the boys. As the time went on, charles woke up his cousin and they went to the garage so that the drivers could go to the starting grid.

Belle was sitting between isa and charlotte, in front of the screens. Holding hands while the three girls were watching the start. Everyone went through the first corner and the next and the next until...

Max and lewis crashed, watching her friend crash with huge amounts of speed and force crash into the barrier. Closing her eyes as she felt a tear slip from her eyes. Before she could realise what she's doing...

She's running. Running on a pair of heels, as fast as her legs can carry her. Forgetting for a moment that she is a Ferrari employee. No one stops her, no red bull employee stops her. Not christian, not even the old prick dr Helmut marko.

Belle crashes in the arms of a crying Kelly. Who just saw the love of her life crash out of the race in the fastest corner of the circuit. The two of them hold each other. Crying as the other girls join the hug.

"He's out, kelly and walking." Isa tells her.

"Thank god." She breaths.

The girls let each other go and Kelly waves them good bye before she heads to the medical center so she can be with max.

The other girls go to the garages back and sit tight for the remaining race. The Ferrari garage cheers as Charles comes second over the finish line. Celebrating this amazing stepping stone after their fall.

Hours after the race and all the girls and guys are sitting in the big lounge room. Kind of celebrating bit also chilling after a race. Kelly had promised to bring max along for a couple of minutes to let everyone know that he was okay.

They had a little chat with max before he and Kelly went up to bed. Lando had a decent race and was now sitting with his arm around belle. They're not official but he really wants to make it so.

"You okay?" Lando asked, snapping belle out of her thoughts.

"Oh yeah." She smiles.

"Can i kiss you?"

Belle nods her head as Lando dips his head down to her lips and presses his lips on hers. Feeling how soft her lips are on his. His hands touch her cheeks as he brushes his tongue over her bottom lip.

Granting him excess, he slips his tongue in her mouth, deepening the kiss. The fireworks go off in belle's stomach. Pulling away from her, Lando presses his forehead against hers. Smiling softly at her.

"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?"


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