Chapter 1-Cattle Royale

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Slone was walking up to the strange, bird-looking guy everyone told her could help her find any person she was looking for. The Reaper was away on vacation and wasn't accepting manhunt requests, which left her only other choice to be Raven. 

"Hey, you! bird guy. I need your help. I'm looking for someone." Slone said to the tall man-bird.

Her callout caught Raven's attention.  "Hello. Before I accept the offer, I need to ask some questions." the bird-man stated.

first, Why are you looking for this person? inquired raven. Slone hesitated. She decided to not fully lie to her soon-to-be hunter. I'm looking for him to settle an old debt." She responded, with a blank expression on her face.

"Alright." said the bird-man. "Question two. How much would I get paid if I find your mystery man?" he asked.

"Are you implying that there's a chance you might not find him?" she asks warily, with a slight frown on her face

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. It's all up to what the universe decides would be the best course of action, now answer the question" Raven says.

"500 gold coins. Is that enough for your services?" Slone asks eyeing the faceless man-bird

"Yes, I believe it will be enough. Who is it that you are looking for? I know about everything and everyone. nobody can go from my sight unnoticed" he states proudly

I am looking for a man that goes by Agent Jones. He's blonde, 5'9 to 6'1, slightly muscular, and has blue eyes, She explains to Raven.

Raven looks at her with a sigh. "Listen, Doctor Slone, This island has at least 100 people who fit that description. How am I supposed to find the one you're looking for" Raven asks Slone, with a puzzled expression on his face

"When we find him, I'll know, don't worry."

•  • •

A few weeks later, somewhere near Hayseed's farm...

"Dr. Slone. I believe this is the place." Says Raven, the guide Slone hired to look for the rouge IO agent Jonesy.

"Guards! Surround this farm!" Slone orders them. with a few swift movements, the guards surround the cornstalks in an attacking position.

"Thank you for your help, Raven. Here's your payment." Slone hands the faceless man-bird 1,500 coins.

I've given you extra for your troubles. Thank you for the help, Raven." Slone says. Raven transforms, flying off with the heavy, coin-filled bag in his claws.

"Alright men. We've been trying to catch Jones for weeks. if he gets away, who knows what might happen." Slone said.  "Attack!" Slone tells her guards to attack enter the cornstalks, following her command

At that moment, Jonesy burst out from the tall cornstalks growing in the field and attempted to make a run for it, before he could process anything, a big net made for catching animals had surrounded every part of him, leaving him unable to move. He struggled, trying to slip out from the net.

They had caught him. Weeks of hiding. months of planning. all down the drain because of a stupid error. They blindfolded him and carried him into a car, taking him to their new base.

•  • •

"Bring the prisoner to me," said Slone. After weeks of searching for the rouge IO agent and running into dozens of snapshots of him she had done it, Slone had finally found him, hiding in plain sight. 

"Right away, miss." said one of the guards, quickly walking away to look for the prisoner's cell after a while, he came back, holding a scared-looking blonde. "Let go of me!" Jonesy shouted, hoping for them to loosen their tight grip on his arms.

 "After everything, we went through, Jones. You decide to abandon the people who built up your character to this very day?" Slone asked the blonde in a cow onesie.

"You don't understand," Jonesy explained. "The island is-" Slone cut him off. "Under attack? In danger from a force looming on the horizon?" 

"Been there." 

"Seen that." 

"Remember Jones, This island is conscious of those events. Its lifeline, The zero point will always be the center of our reality." 

Jonesy's voice faltered. He couldn't form any words. He knew, that if he didn't escape, he would be stuck here until his untimely doom. Slone wasn't the type of person to let go of a grudge against somebody who betrayed her.

"Catch you on the flipside, Jones, our conversation is over," Slone said with a small smile on her face. "Guards, take him away. and please, put him in a jumpsuit. That cow suit is horrifying to look at." 

"SLONE, NO PLEASE. HEAR ME OUT. Y-Y-YOU DONT UNDERSTAND-" Jonesy pleaded. Slone chuckled.

 "Not this time, old friend. not. this. time."

Author's note

Whoohoo! The first chapter is done! don't be afraid to give me feedback on what to do differently, ill always be open to suggestions! I'll try to make a chapter every week till I feel like this book is finished, then I'll stop developing it.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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