Yuri Holmes1 - Yulsic (13),(14)

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Case 13 - Jealous

It was evening and Yuri was panfry the steaks , Jessica sorting out her patients details when the doorbell rang .

The doorbell rang for the 3rd time and both of them didn't move .

" Dear please open the door I'm making sure our dinner is doing fine ! " Yuri said finally .

Jessica rolled her eyes and reluctantly went to opened the door .

The visitor , a youthful and elegant lady , made Jessica felt almost jealous for a second .

" Mm .. Is Yuri in ? " The girl asked shyly .

Jessica strained her eyes . Judging by the girl's shy voice and appearance .. is she Yuri's lover ?

Jessica was still thinking when Yuri already came behind her at the door .

" Ah . Dear Seohyun is here . Come on in .. how rude it is to make a fine lady stand at the door for so long . " Yuri said in an unusual high voice and made a funny face at Jessica .

Jessica was fuming inside .

Yuri pulled Seohyun I and pulled out the chair for her at the dining table .

" Steak . " Yuri said proudly .

" I .. I ..love steak . " Seohyun said shyly and Yuri smiled .

Jessica thumped down on her chair at the dining table . That weird Yuri is behaving even more weirdly when the girl's here . What a shameless flirt , Jessica thought .

Yuri took Seohyun's plate and cut the steak for her , Jessica was looking wide eyed unbelievably and unconsciously struck her fork on her piece of steak again which made Seohyun and Yuri froze .

Yuri gulped and removed the fork from the meat .

"Sica ah..you ..you really need to quit this habit . " Yuri said with a sweat .

" Yuri holmes . We share this apartment . If you want to date , you should go out . " Jessica said coldly .

" What date ? " Yuri said , puzzled .

Jessica picked up her fork and pointedly at Seohyun threatenedly .

Yuri was about to speak when the bell rang again .

" It ..it ..must be Yoona .. my girlfriend . " Seohyun stuttered .

And Jessica's face went tomato red while Yuri felt deeply embarrassed .


Case 14 - Final planning

The 4 of them finished the steak quietly .

" er hem . Well let me do a formal introduction .. My cousin Yoona and her girlfriend Seohyun . " Yuri said trying to ease the awkwardness .

Jessica drank some wine nervously .

" I .. because .. Yuri looks so much like Yoona that I ..feel shy around her too .. I'm ..sorry for any misunderstandings caused ! " Seohyun said abruptly and bowed .

Jessica couldn't stand it anymore and went back to her room . She embarrassed herself .

" Erm ..Pardon her .. you know ..doctors . Seen too much life and death mentally unbalanced sometimes . " Yuri explained and smiled to her cousin and Seohyun .

" So cousin Yuri , how can we help you ? " Yoona asked .

Yuri's face trned serious and she lit her windpipe .

" I'm sure you heard of it . Dukes Charle's body will be sent back to Scotland on Friday . The ship would be stoppe by Taeyeon's officers on that day . But there is one possibility .Sooyoung and Sunny checked out for me that a private yatch might be leaving the london's port on that day I will need you to stop that . Not anything dangerous but just temper with the boat so that it cant sail . You just started your own detective agency , this is a great lesson . As for Seohyun , you're a medical student you shold come here often to learn from Jessica . I've learnt that she's very famous . " Yuri said and took a heavy puff .

" I understand cousin . Though I don't know the full story but I always trust your judgements . You're the greatest detective in the world . " Yoona said respectfully .

Yuri gave a bitter smile and chuckled.

" Not until I arrest her Yoona . " Yuri said determinedly .

- End -

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 28, 2013 ⏰

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Yuri Holmes1 - Yulsic (8),(9),(10)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ