Chapter 2

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Dream liked college.

No really, he did! But sometimes, teachers were just being assholes on purpose. Like today! When Professor Blade decided to give an essay on things they just saw last week.

An essay he announced the same day.

So it’s no surprises when almost everyone in the class starts to whine about how unfair this is. Of course, Blade shuts everyone’s mouths.

“If you have enough breath to protest then I suppose we should this essay in a more ecologic way; through orals.”


But everyone turns to Dream. Dream; who’s brave enough (or stubborn, as George would say) to always contest what the teachers were saying, and, most of the time, managing to get them on their side.

But, this is Professor Blade. A teacher that scared everyone else working in the building, except Professor Halo. Then again this teacher was in charge of all the supernatural stuff, and was a demon .

But again, Dream really didn’t listen last week, so he was pretty sure that his grade was gonna be a grand E on a blank paper. So he raises his hand.

“Yes, Wastaken?” He didn’t even bother looking at him.

“Sir, with all due respect, don’t you think we could do this essay for, uhm, tomorrow? I mean, you exposed this subject to us, like, last week? I’m pretty sure no one is ready for it.”

M urmurs of agreement started to rise. Sapnap, his best friend, nudged him on his side, silently thanking him.

B lade, who was currently half-sitting on the edge of his desk, raised an eyebrow at this, and turned his head, piercing Dream with his ruby eyes. Dream actually wandered if he really was a piglin, like everyone stated.

“You do know you’re all supposed to learn a lesson right after you did it in class, correct? Whether it is during the night, or the week-end. So why is it that none of you did? What kind of unorganized children are you for me to remind you how this all works?”

“But you aren’t our only teacher; we have 12 classes to attend to, not including the supernaturals’ ones and the clubs, but yet you still act as if you’re our only teacher! It isn’t fair! Weren’t you like this as a student?!” Was he yelling? He might’ve been. But darn, this teacher was getting to him! He was doing this kind of shit all the time. Heck! The best student, Karl, who didn’t even know what he was doing, had only a B- once this year! B fucking minus?!

Well, one thing’s for sure: the pink haired teacher was unhappy with his behavior. He remained silent for a few seconds, that felt like forever, before frowning, and smirking.

Dream swallowed. Oh shit. That definitely wasn’t good.

“Since Mr. Wastaken does not seem happy for my way of grading you, and since it looks like all of you agree very much to that, I will proceed another way. For tomorrow, you will all have to do this essay on paper; I will not accept printed text. And it will have to be, let’s say… at least 10 pages? That seems fair right? Since we did this 10 days ago. Seems logical to me. Like your ways of working, actually. Is this alright for all of you.”

Clearly not a question. Everyone looked away while Blade scanned the crowd. His eyes eventually ended up on Dream, who did not look away. Piercing red eyes against fury filled emerald ones. His smirk returned, only for the student to frown at him. Daring him to do more. Blade opened his mouth, and Dream did not look away; he wouldn’t.

The bell decided to ring at this moment. “Have fun writing. You can th a nk your savior Wastaken for this grandiose idea. Now get out.”


Should've asked for a name // Dreamnoblade Where stories live. Discover now