Randi Season 4 episode 2

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*Abigail's Hospital*


*Miraya looks at Randi*

Miraya-Randi,what are you doing here?
Randi-I work here now.
Miraya-Are you serious right now?
Randi-Sure,as I'll ever be.

*Randi leaves*

Miraya-You got to be kidding me.

*Corey's Room*

Corki-I don't think I should be here.
Corey-You have too.
Corki-When my Dad went back to war,I promised him that I will protect my siblings.
Corey-And you did.All of them are alive.
Corki-And what if I had died.
Corey-Chase took your pain.
Corki-Yeah,and what if he couldn't.I would  be with my Mom and Dad right now.
Corey-You can't think like that.

*Corey thinks of an idea*

Corey-I have an idea.


Corki-What are you doing here?
Chase-Corey sent me.Now let's practice.
Corki-I don't want to.
Chase-What if I was going to attack you and your siblings?
Corki-But you wouldn't.
Chase-I said,what if.
Corki-I know you wouldn't because I trust you.

*Corki kisses Chase,then she pulls away*

Chase-Your right.But pretend.

*Corki shoots the arrow and it hits the target*


*Corki looks at Chase and smiles*

*Hayden's Room*

*Miraya walks in*

Miraya-Randi is here.
Hayden-For real?
Miraya-For real.I wish I was joking but I'm not.
Hayden-What are you going to do?
Miraya-Talk to Abigail about it.
Hayden-Will she believe you?
Miraya-She has too.She trusts me.

*Abigail's Office*

Abigail-What about her?
Miraya-Roach Gang member.
Abigail-I looked at her record.And she isn't in that gang.
Miraya-Her last name is Roach.
Abigail-Her last name is Void.
Miraya-Randi Void.That is a real nice name.
Abigail-I don't know what your deal is with her,but you can get over it.
Miraya-What has gotten into you lately?
Abigail-Let me see,when Tana and Angel threw that prom,then the new T.V.'s through a prom,and then y'all want another school dance,where there was gun shots.And The Board is threatening to close this place.All I can say is this.This is everyone's last strike.Or else this place is done.
Miraya-So your just going to quit?That's usual for you.Quitter.
Abigail-You don't talk to me that way.Do you hear me?
Miraya-Yeah I hear you.But all you do is close this place down every time something doesn't go your way.
Abigail-Just get out of my office Miraya.

*Miraya leaves*

*what will happen*

Abigail's Hospital Season 4Where stories live. Discover now