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"Do you think it'll work?" I asked Powder, who was working on a new bomb. I was always amazed at how well she knew how to work with bombs. Sure, they didn't always work, but with more practice, she'll nail the whole 'bomb thing' for sure.

"I hope it will, just in case we'll ever need it when we're in trouble." she replied, toying with some powder for the bomb.

Hah, funny.

I stayed silent as I admired her while she was screwing the bomb. I love everything about her, who wouldn't? Yeah, she could work on her fighting skills, but she has many other good qualities. She's smart, smarter than Mylo even, but is that really a surprise? And she's so beautiful, she's gonna be smoking when she's older. And the small details about her, the way she squints her eyes and furrows her eyebrows when she's focused, I find it adorable as hell.

"Stop staring at me, weirdo." She laughed, nudging my shoulder.

"Shit, sorry. You know I zone out a lot." I giggled nervously, rubbing my neck.


"I know, I was just messing with you." she smiled. "What are you thinking about, Y/n?"

I froze, toying with my fingers. "Nothing!"

Liar liar pants on fire!

"Oookay!" she replied, it's like she can see the lie right through me.

I love being close with her, she's cooler than the others. All Mylo did was complain about everything, Clagger is quiet as hell, we don't really talk much. Vi bosses us around since 'she's the leader'.

"Done!" Powder exclaims, holding up her bomb carefully. I shook out of my thoughts, eyeing the bomb she was holding up. "Wait!" she says, grabbing a marker from the table near us. She began drawing something on the bomb carefully.

"What are you gonna name this one?" I asked, resting my head against my hand.

"Hmm, not sure. Why don't you name it?"

"uhh, what about Persephone? I heard it means 'to destroy'" I replied, looking at how her drawing was going.

"Huh, I like that. Persephone it is!" she replied, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I froze and began to blush.

She made a couple more scribbles on it. "Okay, actually done this time." she said, handing me the bomb.

I took the bomb from her, examining the drawing on it. It was a monkey, Powders favorite animal.

"Wow, Persephone looks really cool. Too bad it's gonna explode one day."

"Yeah, if it actually works this time." she says, frowning. "If not yet, i'm so close to making actual bombs that'll work." she replied, taking the bomb out of my hands.

I smiled. "You're a very smart girl, Powder. You'll get it in no time." I say, standing up and stretching.

She blushes and smiles at me, before crashing into me for a bone crushing hug.

"You're the bestest of the best."

I hugged her back, taking in her minty scent. Her hugs always felt amazing and comforting; They could make your day better.

We've been friends since we were about 6. but recently, I've been seeing her as something more than that. I'm scared to tell anyone about it though, I don't know what they'll think of me.

And Powder.

I can't lose her.

"You smell nice." She says into my shoulder.

"And you call me weird." I giggled. "But thank you, dork."

I put an evil smirk on my face before squeezing her in my arms.

"Y/n- can't- breathe!" she breathed out.

"I just love you sooo much!" I squealed.

"Y/nnnn!" She yelled, trying to squirm out of my grasp.

"Okayy, fine." I said, pretending to sound sad. I put on a fake pout and looked at Powder, who was currently hunched over catching her breath.

"I know you love me, but damn." she said out of breath.


"W-what?" I stuttered, my eyes growing wide.

Does she know?

"Relax, not like that. Ew." She replied, standing up straight.


"What do you mean ew?" I asked quietly.

"It's not like that. I just think love is weird. Whatever way it goes." she replied, waving her hands.

"Oh." I said, looking down and my hands.

Act natural.

"Hey," she suddenly said, grabbing my head with her hands to make me face her. "if you like girls, i'm cool with that. Love just makes me feel weird. But i'm also young, that idea could change in the future." she said, smiling softly.

I felt relief, but a little bit of heartache at the same time.

I hope that idea does change.

"...Do you like girls?" She asked me, eyeing me carefully.

I froze. "Uh- well- no? I-I don't know. I don't think so." I looked away from her, rubbing my arm nervously.

She stayed silent for a moment, observing me, trying to read my thoughts.

"You're not telling me the truth. But if you aren't comfortable telling me, i'm fine with that." She said, getting up.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

Did i upset her?

"I'm gonna go find the others. Wanna come?" She asked, holding her hand out.


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