Fallen Destiny

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The heavy gray clouds above just got heavier in the sky, just as if they were about to burst with water. The gloomy overcast made the city dull and depressing. All of Diamond City was indoors, except one strange man, Waluigi. Now don't get him wrong- he would be indoors if he could. But with his issue about the rent, he hasn't been indoors since. Waluigi was fired from his previous job for "harassment" to other customers, along with several jobs before so. After completely giving up, he paid his rent last month left with no money. Now, he decided instead of staying there with nothing, he should leave before he gets pressed legal charges. Now he was really in his worst condition, homeless, and loveless. The man looked down at his crooked shoes, scraped with dirt and worn out from walking so often. Would he ever have a use to live again? It seemed so useless... especially after losing all his money in that gamble. What gamble you ask? Well, a few months back, Wario had dared all of his friends from Diamond City to come up with the best video game idea, except Waluigi. Waluigi heard him say himself- "Except Walugi." He felt so useless, he decided to get back at himself for being such a mistake, so he went to the casino, drunk too many drinks, and gambled the last of his hard worked bucks at the slots. Looked like it all payed off now. He had nothing, not even a blanket to cover up with. The stars above weren't visible due to the gray overcast. Just then, a single rain drop hits his nose. Waluigi looks up at the sky, only to see it was now raining. Great. Where would he sleep? The cold water dripped down his face, making him shiver and hug himself to warm up. It didn't help too much anyway. Man, if only I would of kept that darn money...look where old Waluigi ended up now... Waluigi kicked the stone in front of him, rippling in the wet puddles. Nobody could save him now, his fate was decided. He would live and die a poor man, to his shame. Waluigi spotted a small bridge he could sleep under for the night, so he discreetly slumped over to it. "Hey! Watcha think your doin' there bud!" Waluigi turned around shocked. "Who-a-said that!?" He hissed. A small, beat up old Toad stumbled out from underneath the bridge. "You need a place to stay, fella?" The what looked like homeless ragged old Toad asked. Waluigi scratched his head, well of course he did need a place to stay, but was it worth it? Who was this guy anyway? He decided to take the offer since there wasn't much of a choice anyway. "Yeah, why?" The sound of thunder echoed through the sky, shaking the ground a little. The rain only poured down harder. "You can take the bridge, I got places to be anyway...ehehe!" The old Toad said in his raspy voice, stumbling out from underneath the bridge fully, gesturing  that Waluigi would crawl under it. "Well, if this is where I'm gonna stay, you beat it oldie! Nobody's gonna watch Waluigi sleep." The old Toad laughed like a maniac, walking away with his back turned. "You'll appreciate this later, young one. Find your destiny, it's out there. Sometimes it's the stars that guide you, or maybe it's the bridge. Take the path and keep confident. Good luck out there, you'll need it." The old Toad said, as he disappeared in the distance. Waluigi looked down at the wet grass, this was where he had to sleep. Under a bridge, what a lowlife. Beside that, what was that crazy old man talking about? Destiny? Waluigi knew he had none. This guy was crazy, some old nutcase. A nincopoot. Nobody should take advice from an old homeless fortune teller. Waluigi sighed in lonely disparity, slinking down to the wet grass laying down. What would become of him? Waluigi stared up at the sky. The stars were now visible as the rain stopped. There was the big Koopa, a beautiful constellation from the dawn of time. The stars were bright enough to comfort Waluigi in a way, they were just so beautiful. Even though he was in the worst possible state, the stars still seemed like a cure for his pain, only for a few seconds of course. Thump! Waluigi felt a hit to the head. "Yowch! Hey! What was that!?" Waluigi rubbed his head in pain. "Sorry sir! I didn't mean to-" "WAAAH!? A-a-a...Star!?" Waluigi looked up in shock, there was a tiny floating star above him. And was it...speaking to him? This was all too much. He was probably hallucinating at this point. "Yeah, I'm Orion! A star from above! I'm looking for my momma, have you seen her?" Whaat? This Star was looking for his mom? Out here? This was too crazy. Waluigi swatted at the tiny star. "Shoo! I don't know your momma, child! This is probably some stupid prank! Stars can't talk, or leave the-a-sky!" The little star put it's stubs on it's hips, angry. "Your a meanie! Momma wouldn't be around anyone like you anyway!" The star then flew away, as if nothing ever happened. Waluigi growled with anger, his head was hurt now too. Even the stars hated him, who didn't? He had no friends- except Wario- but he really didn't care about Waluigi or his well being. He just wanted to use him and steal all the riches in the world. That greedy fat man. Waluigi scooted back under the bridge, angry. He folded his arms around himself, trying to create heat. It was no use, he wasn't any warmer or colder either way. He just smack down tossed himself backward, hitting his head again on the concrete bridge. What a awful day, as always.

"Waah?" Waluigi opened his eyes, to a warm, orange glow. Where was he? There was no one around but.. Daisy? What was she doing here? Daisy hated him too, this didn't make any sense. "Daisy? What are you doing?" Waluigi asked, but she didn't say anything. Suddenly, the glow faded. Everything turned black around him, and then Daisy started to crumble away like ashes in the wind. "Daisy!?" He tried to save her, but the black dust just blew away into the void. Waluigi felt a shove on the back, he fell down smack to the ground. He turned around, furious. It was..Luigi? What he doing here? Red with anger, Waluigi hurled up a fist and punched "Luigi." But.. something was different about him. He had black, empty eyes, and a shadowy figure. The fist went right through him..how..? Then, Luigi held up a hand, causing Waluigi to fall. "WAAAAAAAHHH!" He felt like he'd been falling for hours. Just then, he saw a bunch of spikes. Spikes that were about to pierce him. "Noooo!!" Waluigi curled him in a ball and just when he was going to hit the spikes-

"Waaah!" Waluigi found himself gasping for air. It was all a dream? Oh... it was already day again. The cold autumn air swept through the cracks of the bridge, the sounds of cars driving and people bustling through the streets filled his ears. It was awful. He wanted some peace and quiet, especially after the loss of everything he had. Well, it was too much to ask for. He needed to find a way to survive. Waluigi stood up, grabbing his hat that fell off while he was asleep, straightening it on his head. It was time he escaped this lousy town, the Mushroom Kingdom always sounded like a much more peaceful get away then this old city. He didn't need to stay anyway since Wario already let him down and basically ruined his life. Waluigi was blinded by the light when he crawled out from under the bridge, squinting his eyes. There were so many people out today, was it a holiday? Eh who knows, this town is crazy anyway. "Hey you! You look down man, why don't you take a vacation or something?" Waluigi turned around to see a tall looking paper boy hippy dude. What was his deal asking questions? Well, he wasn't gonna admit he was homeless and couldn't afford the vacation. "Waah! Waluigi doesn't need a vacation, hippie!" The paper boy shrugged. "You sure dude? You look reaaaaal lost man. Here, you should consider this. I was gonna use this ticket but tell you what, I'm reading crazy signs right now, it's destiny. Take it, and go have the time of your life alright maaan?" Waluigi snatched the ticket out of the man's hands. 1 free ticket to a hotel in France! Waluigi gasped, FRANCE!? This was a free ticket to France?! This man was too kind to give something as precious as this away to a lowlife like himself. Waluigi nodded and dashed away, leaving the man behind. "Waahahaha! Waluigi time!" He said, running through groups of people. Maybe this would cheer him up a bit after all the drama.

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