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Scorpius Malfoy-Potter, Hogwarts

The blond woke up covered in his own sweat, he dreamed of being stuck in this timeline forever. He shuddered at the thought, they needed to go back home as soon as possible.

"Good morning," Albus greeted as they sat together on the Slytherin table. "Morning," he said, helping himself with toast.

"Lemieux? Edevane?" The Slytherin prefect called, "Here, it's your schedules— welcome to Slytherin."

"Thanks," Albus grinned, "We have classes with Gryffindor."

"Come," Scorpius said, the two of them walked towards the Gryffindor table (ignoring the looks of everyone) where Aquila, Hugo, Rose together with the golden trio sat, "Aquila, you little shit," he hissed.

The boy immediately turned to him, he was about to talk when Ron beat him to it, "What are you doing here, Malfoy?"

Scorpius became stiff and Aquila's eyes widened, "Oh, Ron you must've been confused! He's Scorpius, my brother," he laughed nervously.

"Scorpius Lemieux."

Ron's eyebrows furrowed, "Brother? You don't even have the same surname and he looks like that slimy snake!" he exclaimed, "Except... his eyes were green?"

Scorpius fought the urge to hex him, reminding himself that this isn't the Uncle Ron they know. How dare he call him a slimy snake?

He flashed them a smile, "Good morning little brother," Aquila made a face, "I need to speak to you and others— privately."

Room of Requirement

"We need to contact the future," he started, "Aquila, do you have the two-way mirror? The thing Dad had given us."

"Yes! The two-way mirror! I haven't thought of that!" Rose beamed as Aquila nodded, whilst Scorpius snatched the mirror from his hands.

"Call Father!"

The mirror swirled painfully slow, "Hello...? Scorpius?! Aquila?!" a frantic voice from the mirror called, Draco Malfoy-Potter.



"Mr. Malfoy!"

The older blond called his husband and Hermione, "Merlin! Where and WHEN are you!?" Harry exclaimed.

"We're in 1993," Hugo answered, "Mother, you look adorable in your third year!"

Hermione laughed, her face slightly red, "Merlin! they must've seen us do embarrassing things!"

"We only heard Uncle Ron snoring obnoxiously," the future Ron responded a "hey!" in the background.

"Uncle Ron also called Scorpius a slimy snake," Aquila snickered behind Rose, his brother shot him a glare. Ron's eyes widened in horror, "I'm so sorry Scorpius! Young me had prejudice against Slytherins!"

"YOU CALLED MY CHILD A SLIMY SNAKE!" Draco scowled at the redhead, "Wait, from what you've said— you already met our younger selves! what did—"

"Relax Uncle, we didn't reveal anything to them," Rose assured, "Although we met Professor Albus Dumbledore."

The name of the headmaster made them tense, "Alright, we're already fixing the other time-turner here in the present. But Minerva told us it will take a while..." Hermione sighed in frustration.

"In the meantime," Draco mused, "You must act like normal students from our timeline, stay away from our young selves— it may cause confusion and— the possibility to change the future."

The five couldn't agree more, they bid goodbye and parted ways as soon as they left the ROR.

The news about the new transfers spread like wild fire inside the castle of Hogwarts, students whispering as they passed behind them.

"We have potions!"

Harry Potter, Hogwarts

"Did you hear that?" Harry asked, Ron watched the two new Gryffindors entered the Potion's classroom whilst they sit down. "Aquila's brother, Scorpius? he— he spoke parseltounge!"

Hermione stared at him, "Are you sure, Harry?"

"Yes! He was hissing, calling Aquila earlier..."

"Slytherins." Ron condemned.

"Mr. Potter!" Professor Snape suddenly said, "Recite to the class what are the ingredients of the Shrinking Potion."

Hermione and Draco's hands shot up in the air, the two glared at each other.

Harry turned to Professor Snape, to his surprise, the greasy haired man was talking to the new student instead of him.

Aquila visibly jumped, he stood up and faced the Potion Master. When his silver blue eyes met onyx ones, the older lad made a noise. Nonetheless, he answered, "Minced daisy roots, peeled Shrivelfig, sliced caterpillars, one rat spleen, a dash of leech juice, a splash of cowbane and finally, wormwood."

"Very well, Mr..."

"Malf— Romanov, sir!" Aquila winced, he sat down beside Hugo who giggled.

The golden trio stared at each other, "Snape mistook you to Aquila," Ron snorted.

Harry found himself staring at Aquila, and then Malfoy. The blond was shock and confused as well, "Harry, quit ogling at Malfoy!"

Harry quickly turned away, his cheeks burning, "I-I was not!"

"Sure..." Hermione scoffed.


"The Grim!" Professor Trelawney exclaimed, "The omen of death!"

Hermione and Hugo rolled their eyes, whilst Ron and Aquila shrugged, leaving Harry confused. "What the fuck is a Grim? Omen of death?"

"It is what it is, fath— I mean Harry," Aquila groaned, inspecting his partner's teacup. "Bullocks. Hugo, what can you see in mine?"

"A load of soggy brown stuff," both lads snickered, whilst Aquila sneered.

"You!" Professor Trelawney suddenly said, pointing Aquila and Hugo, "You and others— are not supposed to be here..."

"Tell me something I don't know," the lad hissed quietly.



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