《- 3: Most -》

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Hello! I'm so so so sorry I didn't update yesterday or on friday! I was planning to, but I forgot about it since something came up. 

But as promised, here is the chapter!

Also if confused on some things, "-----" means a characters love interest, friend, best friend, father, mother, etc.




Y/N woke up with a groan as her alarm annoyingly beeped. She hesitantly got out of bed, slid her feet into her "spotless" white flip flop's, grabbed her phone from the nightstand next to her bed, and then continued her daily routine consisting of the following:

brushing her teeth, splashing her face with the coldest water possible, getting rid of any small knots in her hair, looking at herself in the mirror, walking out of the bathroom, staring into emptiness, and then putting on some clothes.

When she fell back onto her bed, her phone started ringing. This girl's luck is amazing!

She picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID.


'Samantha? Why's she calling? Isn't she supposed to be out with her boyfriend?'

Wasting no time, I picked up the call. All I heard on the other line was some sniffles, maybe a bit of hiccups and crying. Definitely crying.

"Samantha? What's up?"

I asked, a bit worried. Samantha never cries. She's the most energetic, nerdy, bookworm-y person I've ever met. So for her to cry, is something new!

"H-he.... he cheated on me, Y-Y/N.."

Jaw dropped. -----?! Why would he cheat on Samantha?!

"Who did he cheat on you with, Samantha?" I asked Samantha carefully, making sure not to sadden her even more.

"He... he w-was only dating me to figure out his s-sexuality.. he cheated on me with- with... with one of my best friends! ------! Turns out h-he found out he was gay and decided to.. to s-sleep with ------ .."

At this point, Samantha was a sobbing mess. And I already knew she was covering herself with a blanket, a tissue box next and talking to me. Of course I would know that she is talking to me!

"Hey.. Hey.. Samantha, cheer up, alright? Though I might not be good at comforting others, I'll try my best to comfort you, okay? And I know exactly what will cheer you up. How about you come over to my house and we binge watch random movies, sound good?"

To be honest, I barely know anything about comforting others when they're crying. Just like those memes where someone is crying and the other person doesn't know what to do so just gives the crying person toothpaste. I'm exactly like that, just cross off the toothpaste part.

"Alright.. thank you so much Y/N.. I'll be there in 20 minutes!.. Cya!.."

And with that, the call ended. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye.

Well... now I have to wait. Like always..


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! The next few chapters might be short or fillers since I'm kind of busy right now, but I promise the 7th chapter will be a medium (500-900 words) chapter!

I hope you all have a good day/night and I'll see you soon!

words: 540

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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