Chapter 2, A visit at the Aftons!<33

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   (TW: SWEARING IN THIS CHAPTER, and talking of death!!) (IDK how to put ¨Talking about death.¨😭 🤣)                                          (MICHAEL AFTON POV)

I was sitting on the floor in the restroom cuddling with my new friend Kaitlyn. (If you don't go by the name Kaitlyn or don't like the name Kaitlyn, then just think it's something else.)  After she was done crying she then fell asleep. So I decided to call my dad and ask if she can stay for a bit at my house, so then I call my dad. On the phone with my dad: ¨Hey dad, so my friend kinda ran out of the classroom crying and went to the restroom.¨ ¨Ok, what do you want me to do about it.¨ ¨Well, I was wondering if she can stay at our house for the night. ¨Michael you already know the answer to that.¨ ¨But please, just for one night.¨ ¨Ok fine whatever I'll be there soon.¨ ¨Ok love you bye.¨ ¨Love you bye Michael.¨ I then hung up and got up I had Kaitlyn hanging on me so I just gave her a piggyback ride to the classroom. I walked to the classroom. I walked in and the class was staring at me and Kaitlyn and were taking pictures of us and saying stuff like ¨Oooh.¨ or even like ¨OMG they look so cute together we should make a ship page of them on Instagram or Snapchat.¨ I just ignored them and went straight to Madeline who was sitting at her desk about to crack up. ¨Hey Michael, you guys were in there for a while was everything ok?¨ Madeline asked curiously giving me a wink. ¨OMG, WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING, NOTHING HAPPENED, SHE WAS SAD SO CRIED ON MY SHOULDER AND THEN FELL ASLEEP!!¨ I said whisper yelling at her. ¨Well, anyway get your stuff packed, and can you carry Kaitlyn's stuff for me I have to carry her and my backpack. ¨Why, where are we going?¨ She asked like a dumb raccoon. ¨Home, unless you want to stay here all day long.¨ I said as I was getting my stuff. ¨Ummm... On second thought no thanks Ill rather go home than be here.¨ She said getting hers and Kaitylns stuff as well. ¨Thats what I thought.¨ I said being a smart ass. We got our stuff and were about to leave until the teacher stopped us. ¨And where do you guys think you are going.¨ The teacher said blocking the door. ¨UH WHERE DO YOU THINK..... HOME¨ I said mockingly. Uh... No, you are not. I suggest you and Madeline go sit down right now wake up whoever her face is and tell her to pay attention or she gets detention. Well, make it you three.¨ He said looking like he was going to give us detention. ¨Umm..... Well, I hope you know, we are going home without detention, because my dad is outside the school building now. And you don't even know who he is your so lucky because I could just have him come up here and deal with you himself.¨ ¨Ok, I'm calling the office about this bad behavior.¨ He said as he was trying to scare me, but he doesn't scare me at all because my father has done worse things than calling the office to suspend me more like he killed children to calm himself, he also kills for fun, just for fun. ¨Oh, that won't be necessary since the office is calling.¨ ¨Ok, whatever dude I hope you know it is for us three.¨ The office: ¨Hey, um can you send down Michael, Madeline, and Kaitlyn. They're going home.¨ ¨Ok, ok, ok.¨ ¨They hang up the call.¨ ¨Fine, you were right,  now just go down there goodbye.¨ ¨See, I told you so goodbye.¨ We went down to the office and were greeted by my dad. ¨Hey dad this is my friend her name is Kaitlyn she is the one on my back and this is her friend Madeline.¨ ¨Hey it is pleasure to meet you Mr....¨ ¨Oh, it's William no need to call me Mr.¨ ¨Um........Can we maybe do this later I want to get home?¨ ¨Yeah, yeah whatever.¨ We get home, I put Kaitlyn in my bed and go downstairs and watch TV with Madeline. 20 mins later. (Kaitlyn POV) I woke up in a random bed but noticed the room and it.. it was the Afton house. I mean, yeah dreamt of being in the Afton house before but I didn't actually think I would ever be in the house. I got out of bed and went downstairs. I saw Madeline and Michael sitting on the couch watching something on the TV it seemed to be anime and anime is the best show I love it so I asked them if I could join them. It looks like they were super excited to see me up they both ran up to me and hugged me. Of course, I hugged them back and we sat down on the couch and talked. ¨Hey, do you have anything to eat?¨ I asked Michael because I was very hungry. ¨Oh yeah, I have some mac and cheese in the cabinet do want me to get it and make some for us.¨ ¨Yeah, that would be nice.¨ ¨Ok then, on it.¨ ¨Hey Madeline, how in the world did I get here??¨ ¨Oh, you and Michael were in the bathroom while you were dramatically crying and you fell asleep so we brought you here because why not.¨ ¨OH, now I remember.¨ I remember how I was crying because I just had my first period, speaking of that I now have to get chocolate because I am already craving that. ¨Hey Mike, do you have any chocolate.¨ ¨Uhhhh yeah I think I have some in the fridge.¨ ¨Ok, can I have some.¨ ¨Yeah sure.¨ ¨Thanks.¨ ¨Yeah no problem.¨ I found some chocolate bars in the fridge but I also saw some Nutella so I decided to have a Nutella sandwich. Pretend that is you eating a Nutella sandwich. After that the food was ready so we all sat on the couch and ate the mac and cheese. After we ate we put our dishes in the sink. ¨Hey Michael, I'm tired do you have an extra bed that I can sleep in?¨ Madeline asked. ¨Oh yeah, um it is my sister's room but she will be back tomorrow so you can just sleep in there for tonight.¨ ¨Ok, goodnight everyone.¨ ¨Goodnight.¨ I and Michael said in unison. ¨Hey, can we cuddle on the couch and watch something?¨ ¨Yeah sure.¨ ¨Hey, by the way where is Elizabeth, Chris, your mom, and your dad William.¨ ¨Oh, Chris and Elizabeth are at our mom's, I don't like going there so I just stay here, and William is in his room, so we are fine.¨ ¨Ok, well then shall we.¨ ¨we shall.¨ ¨By the way I have never told you this even though we just met to here goes nothing.¨ I patiently kiss Michael, and surprisingly he kissed back. Then out of nowhere I heard a giggle and knew it was Madeline and then she literally tripped on thin air and that's when I broke the silence. I pulled away from the kiss and there was a let's just say a kinda hurt Madeline. ¨MADELINE WHAT THE HELL YOU LITERALLY RUIN EVERY GOOD MOMENT I HAVE!!¨ I snapped out of control. ¨Sorry I just wanted to see if it would actually happen, I had a feeling this would happen.¨ ¨OMG MADELINE, JUST FORGET ABOUT IT LEAVE ME AND MICHAEL A-L-O-N-E, ALONE!!!¨ ¨Sorry I'll leave goodbye.¨ ¨WHERE IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING!!¨ ¨Im going home as you said.¨ ¨No Madeline, I didn't, mean it like that... I'm sorry for bursting out at you, I just was mad.. and out of control.¨ ¨Its ok I know what you mean, but I am actually going to bed now.¨ ¨Ok, goodnight.¨ ¨Goodnight.¨ Madeline leaves and I ask Michael something. ¨Hey Michael does that mean we are actually a thing??¨ ¨I mean yeah I guess.¨ ¨Ok then, does that mean we can get back to what we started.¨ ¨Yupp let's take it to my room instead.¨ ¨Ok, I finally get to call you babe now.¨ ¨Yes, but we can't tell my dad just yet.¨ ¨But why.¨ ¨Oh maybe because he doesn't allow me to have a girlfriend maybe we can tell him together when he is in a better mood.¨ ¨Oh, ok let's just go I am dying to kiss you more.¨ ¨Yeah same.¨ We get in his room and immediately lock the doors and jump on the bed. We made out for what felt like hours and then we decided to just cuddle and watch TV the rest of the night until we fell asleep. We ended up watching (TV show/movie of choice). I ended up falling asleep halfway into it. The next morning I woke up still cuddled with Michael. ¨Oh yeah, I forgot him and I are a thing.¨ I say to myself, but I guess Michael heard and was up because he responded back. ¨Oh, how could you ever forget princess?¨ I jumped back a little startled. ¨OH MY GOD MICHAEL YOU SCARED THE LIVING HELL OUT OF ME, DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!¨ I playfully slapped Michael's arm. ¨Hey babe, can we get breakfast I am hungry.¨ ¨Yeah sure thing.¨ We get up get ready and go wake up Madeline. I knock on Madeline's, well technically Elizabeth's door, and she was still sleeping because she didn't respond back so we just walked in. I shook Madeline until she woke up and then she finally woke up by slapping me on the arm, it hurt but didn't hurt. She fully woke up and we went downstairs to see Mr. Afton making pancakes and 2 kids sitting at the table who I'm assuming are Chris and Elizabeth. ¨Goodmorning Mr. Afton.¨ I said walking down the stairs.¨Oh, you guys are up too great I'm making pancakes have a seat.¨ ¨It smells lovely.¨ I stated. ¨Oh why thank you.¨ ¨Yeah, oh hey Michael, I forgot my phone in your room can you give me a sec to go grab it.¨ ¨Yeah sure no problem but be quick.¨ ¨Ok thanks.¨ ¨No prob.¨ I run upstairs and get my phone when I turn it on there were so many missed calls from my mom there were even texts like ¨Where are you??¨ ¨Are you ok??¨ And there were so many repeating that so I texted her saying I fell asleep crying in the bathroom and Madeline took me home. I mean yeah, I had to lie to her because she didn't know that I was dating anyone. I hurried and grabbed my phone and rushed downstairs. When I got downstairs I saw Madeline talking to Elizabeth and Michael talking to Chris. ¨Sooo what I miss??¨ I said about to sit down next to Michael. ¨Oh, nothing much.¨ Madeline said. ¨Get comfortable the pancakes are almost done.¨ ¨Ok I will.¨ I sit down next to Michael and open Snapchat. I saw a post from Madeline that said ¨I so ship Michael and Kaitlyn:).¨ ¨MADELINE OH NO THE FUCK YOU DID NOT!!¨ ¨Did not do what.¨ She said giggling. ¨OH NO, YOU DIDN'T POST THAT PICTURE AND PUT A HART ON IT FROM LAST NIGHT!!!!¨ ¨What I'm sorry I had to.¨

(A/N: I'm sorry guys I wanted to do more but I didn't want you guys waiting that long so I ended this chapter here so yeah 1,938 words.)

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