1. The first day at school

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"Do I really have to go? Why can't I just stay in here?" I asked my aunt, which I knew was worthless. She didn't really care about me. It was kind of like Snow white and the Evil Queen between us. "Yes, now go before you get late" "I'm going, you're not my mum" I took my bag and left. Why did she always had to be so mean? Things would be so much easier if she just would show me a little bit of love. It's not that hard, isn't it? Anyway, I moved here in Tokyo from New York 2 weeks ago. Mum and Dad would come after few days so until then I had to live with the Evil Queen. My name is Mina Hiramatsu if you cared to know. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?" I said to myself at the school's gate before going in. Everyone were already in their classrooms and I didn't know which mine was or where it was. I was so confused. My hands started to shake and I felt little bit dizzy. "Are you by any chance our new student Mina Hiramatsu?" I heard someone saying behind me. When I turned around, I saw a tall man with dark blue hair. "Y-Yes" I was so nervous. "Fantastic, welcome Mina. I'm your hometeatcher Shiro Yasawa. Follow me, please" I nodded. I hope this day will be good. "Before we start the class, I have something important to say. We have a new transfer student in our class, Mina Hiramatsu from New York" "If she's from New York, do you think she can speak Japanese?" I heard someone saying, it made me feel more embarrassed to stand at the front. "Hiramatsu-san, would you like to say something?" Yasawa-sensei introduced me in front of everyone. They were looking right at me.  "Umm...." "I don't think she can even speak Japanese" One of them said and I felt like running away, but I had to at least try to make a good first impression of myself. "...M-my name is Mina Hiramatsu and I-i moved here from New York... I just hope we'll get along" I said smiling nervously. "Look at her hair. It's so out of fashion" "Yeah, and those clothes? Ugh, so embarrassing" My hair was short red and it had one long part on my left side. I figured that those girls were the drama queens.  Also, I didn't have the school uniform yet so I had my own clothes on. "I-i can go home a-and change my clothes" Few of them laughed and I was about to go when Yasawa-sensei said: "No need Hiramatsu-san. You can go sit at the back next to Hikari Metoro. Metoro-san can you raise your hand?" Thank god, I thought I had to sit at the front, where everyone could whisper some bad things about me. "Hi, I'm Hikari Metoro. You can call me Hikari-chan and your hair is amazing. Don't mind about Megumi-san and Yumi-san. They're like that to everyone who they think is better than them" Hikari-chan said friendly when I came to the empty seat next to her. "Are they the school's drama queens?" "Yeah, pretty much like that" Hikari-chan seemed nice, maybe I could be friends with her. Then suddenly the classroom door opened and in came two hot looking boys. The first one had black hair and he looked hot, I couldn't take my eyes off of him for a few seconds. The boy who came after him had grey, no.... silver hair. "Tsukino-kun and Miyazaki-kun late, again" Yasawa-sensei looked at the boys waiting for their explanation corring his hands. "Just go to your seats" The black haired one sat opposite me and the silver haired one opposite Hikari-chan. Math wasn't my favorite subject at school because I wasn't good at it. I just stared at the book confused. Who needed these anyway in real life? Math has always been hard for me, at the first grade I remember I said to my teacher: "Why we have to know how much is 45-15? Mummy and daddy haven't needed math in their jobs at all. So, why we have to learn math?" My teacher smiled and said something like we just had to know. I was very young back then. I stared at my book the whole class and draw some pics on my notebook. drawing made me feel calm. "Okay, from page 145 exercises 1,5,9 and 11 for homework tomorrow" Yasawa-sensei said ending the class. I looked around the classroom and everyone had a friend to talk to. They were laughing and having fun. I looked at Hikari-chan and she was already talking to someone. I wish I could get some friends. "So, a quick break before next class" Yasawa-sensei said and left. No one didn't seem to notice or hear. I decided to go get some air, when I bumped into someone on my way out of the classroom. "I'm so sorry" "Watch where you're going, ginger" Of course I had to bump into the black haired boy. I felt my cheeks getting hot. "Hey, don't you dare to take any kind of contact to Kazuki-kun or you're in big trouble" "Or Akira-kun" Megumi-san and Yumi-san said pissed. "I-I just want to get along with everyone, t-that's all" "I don't care, keep your dirty hands away from Kazuki-kun and Akira-kun. Got that?" Megumi-san said walking away with her big boobs. Gosh, she's annoying and scary. I guess I won't be friends with her, not that I wanted, but... yeah. Outside I saw a big tree little bit far away from the doors. I decided to sat under it and draw. I noticed many people watching and whispering around me. It made me feel embarrassed again. Why can't I be pretty that I would get friends? Why do I have to be like this? After few more classes the school finally ended, I could get out of here. I started walking the hallway when I heard laughter behind me. I stopped at the top of the stairs. "Listen Mina-san, you should know few things" I turned around to see Megumi-san and Yumi-san smiling. "What is it?" They looked at each other and then back at me. "That this hallway is ours, so get of" Megumi-san said and pushed me down the stairs. I heard her laughing while I kept falling. "Ouch" Great, I fell on top of someone. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..." Tears streamed down my cheeks. Everyone was laughing at me. And the person under me was the black haired boy. I quickly got up and my cheeks turned red. This is so embarrassing. "I-I'm so sorry" "Watch where you're going again, ginger" When I was about to ran away, I heard Yasawa-sensei's voice. "Hiramatsu-san, could you come with me for a second?" Everyone was staring and whispering around me, it was so difficult to leave. "Hey, you're such a kid crying in a place like this. Besides, didn't Yasawa-sensei call you? Just leave already ginger, later" Kazuki-kun said coldly to me before leaving. I thought he was a nice guy but he turned out to be one of those bad boys. "So, did you have a fun day?" Yasawa-sensei asked while we were walking to the teachers office. I wanted to say that it was horrible because everyone made fun of me but, I didn't want make Yasawa-sensei worried. Thinks might get lot worse if he'd know, so I lied. "It was good" At the teachers office door, Yasawa-sensei asked me to wait outside and after a he handed me few clothes. There were shoes, black long socks, skirt, shirt and jacket. "These should be your size. If they're too small or too large, please come inform us" I thanked and started walking towards the school gates. Sadly there were few other students. I noticed that one of them was Akira-kun, the silver haired one. Because there were no other exits, I continued walking. "Hey, ginger: don't you think that it was a mistake to come in here?" One of them asked, but I continued walking. "Why're in such a rush? Don't you want to make some friends?" One of them took my bag and other one my clothes. "Wow, aren't you a small person. Guys, look! How can a person fit in these!" They made of me. I didn't know what to do. Yes, I wasn't very tall girl but I also was little bit skinnier than normal girls. That's because I tried to be a model once back in New York but mum didn't accept it. "Please.....g-give me back my clothes a-and bag" I tried saying but it came so quiet that they didn't hear it. "Sorry, did you say something? I couldn't hear you" Akira-kun said and hold my clothes above mud pool. "P-please, give me..." Before I could say anything else, all my clothes were covered in mud. "Sorry, I didn't hear you" They all laughed and hit me on the back that I fell on the ground crying. After throwing my bag also in the mud, they left laughing. The last words they said to me were: "Go back in New York you dirty ginger" I picke up my clothes and put my things back in my bag. It was already dark when I got home. Luckily, the Evil Queen wasn't home yet, so I put my clothes and school clothes in the washing machine and started cleaning my school bag. After that I went in my room and cried a little because those guys were right. I wanted to go back in New York so much...........but I couldn't. Please God! I'm begging you, let tomorrow be a good day.

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