1 - Recovery

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In a cabin hidden deep within the woods outside Gytuana, Sei and Zhil found themselves at death's door. The cabin was one of the several homes Sei had procured over the years and one of the many he had throughout the known world. Aliss had successfully saved them from the clutches of the mage city and brought them to the secluded home to mend their wounds.

The first night was the most testing. Sei had remained unconscious and unresponsive as if he was dead to the world once again. It was all due to Zhil, who rode the fine line between the dead and the living. Over-strained from bodily stress, shock, and extreme blood loss from his failed execution. Zhil's body had been pushed beyond its limits.

Moments throughout the night Zhil's chest heaved rapidly with strangled breaths, trying desperately to cling to the living world to suddenly switch to an eerily silent stillness. His body could barely keep up with itself, and the increased healing from the binding spell refused to properly function. It took a healing mage constantly pouring magic into Zhil to keep him on the mortal plane.

In the aftermath of their escape, Aliss needed to locate a healing mage who hadn't heard of the murderous tragedy that befell Gytuana. She was fortunate enough to stumble upon a young mage traveling the outskirts of the city but unfortunate to learn that they were merely a student returning for the second year of study. Though not as apt or quick in dealing with severe trauma cases, the novice mage had enough skill to stem Zhil's bleeding and suture his wounds. Given their circumstances, it was the best medical care Aliss could obtain on such short notice.

For three painfully long days and nights, Aliss forced the healing mage to remain by Zhil's side, not even allowing them a moment's rest. In the early morning of the second day, it looked like they had reached the point of no return for the soul mage. Zhil's clammy skin had turned a sickly pallid color, his breathing was shallow, and his heartbeat was too rapid and fading. The healing mage wanted to give up and had told Aliss they couldn't do anything further. Aliss insisted and threatened their life if they couldn't do better.

On the third day, the Aliss and the healing mage had found a routine. For the healing mage not to succumb to magical exhaustion, Aliss came to a compromise. The healing mage would tend to Zhil every few hours, then allowed the healing process to take over while they rested. Aliss' job was to tend to the bandages wrapped around Sei and Zhil's backs, unraveling and cleaning the blood and rewrapping the wounds with new linen. They worked almost around the clock. Aliss tended to Sei when the healing mage assisted Zhil and vice versa while the healing mage rested. Back and forth like the ebb and flow of waves, they traded positions while Sei and Zhil mended.

It worried Aliss that Sei's wounds hadn't disappeared into ash as usual. A casual reminder that due to Zhil's binding spell, any wound Zhil received was also reflected upon Sei in the same manner. She was hopeful and forever diligent, knowing they would overcome the setback.

By the fourth day, Zhil finally displayed signs of mending. The healing process from the binding spell finally took hold, restoring Zhil and Sei without requiring the healing mage. His wounds wept occasionally. At the very least, they didn't need the drastic changing of bandages so often. They had started to scab over in some areas, and the same was reflected on Sei's body. Zhil was also no longer sweating, his breathing had regulated, and his heartbeat, though still weak, beat steadily. They had succeeded in saving the soul mage's and Sei's lives.

As for the Bleeding King, Sei had remained unconscious throughout the ordeal. Unknown to the fact that Zhil almost lost his life and plunged him into everlasting darkness.

On the fifth day, Sei regained consciousness. He blinked heavy eyes and welcomed an unfamiliar but familiar place. He was in a humble room with wooden walls, a cabin. It was warm and lit by the gentle amber tone of the firelight. He laid face down on a bed with his back exposed. The warm air lightly kissed the opened wounds. They stung as he tried to move, causing him to still. Everywhere felt extremely uncomfortable.

Sei couldn't recall how he had gotten to the cabin but remembered what had transpired before falling unconscious. He had cursed the domed hall of Gytuana, killing the entire mage council and every mage who came to witness Zhil's judgment. Zhil had been severely injured by Archimage Tillian because he took too long to escape his imprisonment. The Immortals, Riven and Lecia, made an unexpected showing just as he was about to flee with Zhil. As the battle progressed, he knew he couldn't fight the two on his own, so he sought Aliss for support. With her and his ghosts' aid, they managed to fend off the Immortals, at least momentarily. The fight ended in surprise as he cursed Riven. Before he could acknowledge what occurred everything turned black. He assumed Aliss had rescued them from Gytuana and brought them there.

Sei slightly raised his hand, calling out barely above a whisper, "Aliss..."

Aliss hurried over and grabbed his hand. She grasped it tight, worried if she let go, he would be gone, "I'm here." She had been out of sorts since the second day Sei hadn't woken up.

An overwhelming sense of relief rushed over Aliss hearing His Majesty call for her. As a long-dead ghost, she had lost most of her emotions a long time ago, but in the last few days, she'd expressed two lost emotions, fright and worry. Emotions she thought had been long lost. It was a strange and humble feeling for her to be able to express them again.

"Zhil... he..." Sei's voice was weak, but those two words alone announced a fondness and concern he had since the day they met. He hadn't yet accepted his feelings toward him, but he was close. Fright got in the way because misfortune tended to follow those who got close to him.

"He's here and alive," she answered.

The cabin was small and only had one bedroom. The two shared the room, making it easier for Aliss and the healing mage to attend them. For the last few days, they had been lying next to each other.

Sei weakly fumbled around until his hand settled on the warm body of the human next to him. The simple touch of Zhil's skin instantly brought Sei relief, calming his newly awakened anxiety that Zhil would disappear. But Zhil was there, and they were going to be okay.

The thoughts of Zhil slipped away when the ache of his own body reached a new threshold. Sei's brow furrowed, "Hurts..." he sputtered between clenched teeth.

Everywhere hurt as if his body had been torn to shreds and pieced back together. The wounds he received from Zhil's attempted execution had turned all the nerves on his back into fiery hot rods. At each movement, they sent pins and needles throughout his body.

Having also fought against two Immortals, Sei had depleted all his magical energy and was suffering from an extreme round of magical exhaustion. His head swam, and he could barely keep his eyes open. He had no strength to lift his limbs, and it was by sheer will that he managed to reach out at all. Sei was completely exhausted, drained of all his life except for the one thread that kept him on the mortal plane, Zhil.

Aliss caressed Sei's hand gently, "Sleep, Your Majesty. It'll go away soon."

Sei murmured lightly and listened to Aliss. His mind quickly drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

Aliss quietly watched the pair sleep again. All had been silent in the days since they escaped Gytuana. She hadn't had a chance to return to Sei's manor for any reports as she had been more worried about Sei's health. When Sei was well enough, she would return. She needed information, and it was too bothersome to remain in the dark after such a big event.

Aliss leaned back in her chair and released a stressed-filled sigh. The Bleeding King had put her through a lot recently. The culprit was the silly soul mage beside him.

Author's Notes:

Happy Part 3!

Welcome back to the world Sei!

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