First Prologue

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It's the year 3000, vampires are becoming more and more common.

In order to stop this from happening, the governments of the world have decided to turn all remaining humans into robots, by killing them then transfering their brains into robot bodies.

Most people are happy with this decision, because it means that they don't need to worry about getting bitten, having to drink vampire blood and turned.

A few humans aren't happy with this however, and go on the run, never staying in one place for too long, always on the move, always running.

The only times they stop is to get extra supplies or birth their children.

But over the next seventy eight years, the population of humans dwindle as they are slowly rounded up and transformed into either robots or vampires.

Soon, humans are a rarity, only very rarely seen, with one, two or three in every four or five towns.

Asia has become the major base for robots and America has become the major base for vampires. All the small islands have been long since flooded.

Into this world of terror, a boy is born. A boy with a defect in his left hip, but will one day become the submissive Mate to three of the most powerful vampires in existence.

Though this baby boy has no idea of his destiny, suckling from his mother's breast as his family runs, trying to keep away from the robots pursuing them, his future Mates do.

They've sensed his birth and are eagerly awaiting the day where he can join them. They don't know anything about him, only that he is currently human, only a baby, but they can sense the pure strength that this little baby will one day possess.

His parents and older siblings also have no idea of the destiny the newest addition to their small family will face, all they know is that they need to keep ahead of the robots, keep their baby safe, keep him alive long enough to teach him how to survive in this world of fear and uncertainty.

And so begins the long and painful journey of Draven David Morrin, youngest son of Jacob and Maria Morrin, younger brother of Julia and Jackson Morrin.

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