Chapter 5

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Before the ball Draven is taught how to dance by one of Castiel's sisters, Ray ray, as she likes to be called.

She is a very patient teacher, conscious of Draven's inexperience, teaching him slowly and carefully, making sure that he knows each step of each dance she teaches him flawlessly before moving onto another step. She praises him constantly when he gets a move right, using positive reinforcement to keep him motivated.

By the time the day of the ball rolls round, Draven can dance like a professional dancer. He's so happy with how far he's come in such a short space of time, as is Ray ray.

"I've never had such a dedicated student Draven. You are really something else. You will be good for Cas, Dean and Sam as well as the rest of the vampire population."

"Thanks Ray ray. I just hope Cas, Dean and Sam will appreciate the time and effort I've put in with this."

"I'm sure they will Draven. They love you, and this will just be the icing on the cake. They have been waiting for you for centuries, and now that you're immortal, they don't have to worry about you dying suddenly, getting sick or being turned into a robot."

"True, true. Well, I'd better go get ready for the ball."

Draven heads to his room, looking around for his Mates. He uses their bond to find them and notices that they are in the ballroom, doing a last few finishing touches to make it perfect.

Draven jumps in the shower and cleans everywhere thoroughly before carefully styling his hair sexily, but not too sexily, and putting on a special outfit personally designed by Michael, the fashion freak of Castiel's siblings.

It's a nice blue shirt that makes his eyes pop paired with a nice black pair of leather pants that hug his thighs and butt and flare out slightly at his ankles. He decides to add a small silver chain around his neck and a ring with Castiel's family crest on it.

He slips his feet into a pair of black converse shoes which are perfect for dancing in, finishing off the whole look.

A knock sounds on the door and Michael steps in.

"Castiel sent me to make sure you weren't having any problems with your hair and outfit. But by the looks of it, you are managing just fine on your own."

"Thanks Michael. Should I put a bit of mascara on?"

"No, Draven. You look absolutely perfect. My brother and brothers-in-law will be head over heels for you. Now go down there and blow them away."

Draven smiles at Michael, who escorts him down to the ballroom, where most of the vampire populace is already waiting. When the ballroom doors open, he sees how his Mates look for the first time today.

Sam is wearing a bronze shirt with black leather pants, a slightly bulky silver chain around his throat. Dean is wearing a golden shirt with black leather pants, a slightly more bulky silver chain around his throat. Castiel is wearing a beautiful silvery grey shirt with a bulky silver chain around his throat as well as black leather pants.

Their outfits compliment each other perfectly. Draven smiles and goes up to his Mates, walking with more grace than he would've done a few weeks ago.

"You look absolutely amazing little one. Michael did an amazing job on your outfit."

"You three look absolutely divine yourselves. I'm so happy we're finally together after all these years."

"So are we little one, so are we."

Over the course of a few hours Draven dances with each of his Mates, using the steps Ray ray taught him. His Mates notice, praising him and how well he's doing.

He smiles a little bit wider every time one of his Mates praises him.

Once the first dancing portion of the ball is done, Draven and his Mates go around talking to different vampires from different parts of their half of the world.

After all the talking is done, food is served. Food being different kinds of animals. There are woodland animals like deer, aquatic animals kept in a tank, birds and all manner of different creatures.

Draven has a doe, his favourite type of blood, while his Mates have a stag each.

Once all the animals have been finished off, another dance is initiated by Draven and Dean. Sam and Castiel dance together just a short way from them. Draven rests his head on Dean's chest, smiling as the music fills the ballroom.

"You really do look divine tonight baby boy. Michael has done a wonderful job with your shirt and trousers."

"You look amazing as well Dean. You really know how to pick a good outfit."

"Thank you baby."

After a while, Dean passes him to Sam and starts dancing with Castiel. Sam holds Draven like a delicate flower as they spin around their Mates. Draven doesn't realise that this set of songs is solely for him and his Mates, being so absorbed in Sam's eyes.

After Sam's danced a couple of songs with Draven he passed him to Castiel and starts dancing with Dean.

Castiel smiles at his little Sub, brushing a piece of hair out of his eyes as they dance.

"You've blossomed so much from that scared little boy Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer brought us only a year and a half ago. Sam, Dean and I are so proud of you."

"Thanks Castiel. Having you three in my life has made all the difference. You three love me for who I am, not who you want me to be. You had my hip fixed when I first came to you. You waited until I was ready to be Turned before Turning me. That meant a lot to me."

"We never had any intention of forcing you into being a vampire Dray. We wanted to wait for you to be ready."

Draven smiles wider and rests his head on Castiel's shoulder, nuzzling into his neck.

After the ball, the four Mates retreat into their rooms to get some sleep.

The robots decide to make their move and attack one of the bigger vampire cities trying to kill off as many vampires as they can, but are fought off with minimal effort on the vampires part.

There are a few casualties on the vampires side, but even more casualties on the robots side.

A messenger from the city starts running towards the Vampire Kings' castle, hoping that the Vampire Kings and Queen are feeling generous.

If only the Master Robot knew just how angry the Vampire Kings and Queen would become upon hearing this news.

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