A bxb story about two teens falling in love with each other while keeping their relationship in secret. Living in a homophobic neighborhood wasn't easy as a teen who just discovered that he wasn't hetero. He hid his Sexuality as he never confessed t...
So before this chapter start, I wanted to show yall how the Mcs look and their aesthetic if you want to create a better picture 💆
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"YOU DID WHAT" I exclaimed with disgust on my face. I didn't believe what my mom did behind my back.
For sure we didn't talk to each other but THAT?! She signed me in this after school behind my back and now she is saying it.
My mom took her confidence and then stared at me, I realized she was mad. "Kamon Hunter, I am doing what's best for you. You know too that it's difficult for you to maintain your assignments and your homework at the same time and you'll have teachers to help you!" I sighed knowing that she was right.
I never had motivation while doing my homework. There was a time when I became depressed and now it's hard to even get up to start with it.
After a couple of minutes of silence, I agreed with my mom that I'll go and try it for a couple of days but before I finished my sentence I was cut off by my mom saying "If you'll get good grades I'll get you the phone that you wanted at the end of the semester." I jumped out of my chair and quickly ran to the car as I heard that phrase. I wanted this phone for years now after when my phone screen cracked.
We arrived at the after-school who was nearby the school which is why I think that's how my mom knew about it.
I began walking through the door as I heard a familiar voice echoing in the room. I ran quickly into the room as I saw my best friend Pearl on the horizon. I screamed her name, and when she heard she was looking at who screamed her name. She finally realized that was me and we ran into each other and then we hugged for a couple of seconds.
Pearl was and still is my best friend from childhood. We stopped talking for a while when our exam started. I asked her quickly if she was in the after-school and age said yes.
I was so happy seeing her and now I was able to be with her this whole semester.
We were walking toward our classes while we were talking. "So how are you doing?" She asked with a smile on her face while fetching her backpack trying to find something. "I'm doing pretty good" I exclaimed.
It was quite awkward because of the silence. But she surprised me as she took out a piece of paper. It was our schedule and surprisingly we had the same period.
We both let out a wheeze of excitement and we ran quickly into the class. We greeted the teacher who was waiting for us with a name on the board "Miss Amy Smith" We continued to talk while we were setting ourselves on our desks we shared.
She pulled out another paper with names on it. "Who are those people names who are on the paper?" I asked "I was helping the teacher with giving the students their schedule and I think she gave me the names of the students who are in the school" "Ohhh tell me who is in our class!" I asked intrigued "There are two boys who aren't from our school and umm... Oh, there's this guy who was last year with its Gli-"
I slammed my book on the desk that made her jump out of her seat. I saw and heard a guy who was greeted by the teacher. It's him.