Chapter 14

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"Alright, let's get back to the task at hand, shall we?"

Samantha said after the couple had finished interrogating Juila.

They had moved to Scarlett's room, realizing it was too dark and quiet downstairs for them to stay there.

"Right, sorry." Jake murmured, chuckling at Juila's relieved expression.

"Where do we start?" Scarlett asked, looking back and forth between the two.

"Uhm.. Well," Juila said, shifting slightly.

"Scar, what exactly happens in your dream? The normal one, I mean."

Scarlett nearly scowled at the attention that was suddenly back on her.

"It's better if you guys experience it yourselves. Just in case Scarlett can't describe something the right way."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scarlett said in an annoyed tone.

"It means, shush your mouth and let me help you."
Samantha responded only to Scarlett, who sighed but stayed silent.

"Come over here, guys." Samantha coaxed. The two listened to her, and moved close to Scarlett, grabbing her hands and forming a circle of sorts.

Their eyes closed, and the journey started.


As the familiar dream started up again, Scarlett was quiet. 

Her breath hitched as she recalled the very first time she had gotten this dream.

She had woken up drenched in both sweat and tears, looking around frantically while gasping for air. Her sister and father had sat with her until the early morning, and they all fell asleep in an oddly comfortable pile in the living room, a random cartoon acting as white noise.

A shiver went down her spine at the mere thought of it.

During the last five years she had gotten used to the presence of the nightmares, but they still never failed to catch her off guard whenever it reared its unwanted head.

And, it never ceased to. Not once.

The longest she'd been without a nightmare was around a month and a half. That sounded better than it was.

There was also the time when she had gotten them back to back, to the point she didn't even want to sleep.

That was a fun two weeks. And, oh,so very long.

She nearly cursed at the thought of it. And now that she knows the reason of it, all she wanted to do was just leave it all.

I mean, what else can you do when you realize that your dead mothers the main reason for the bain of your, and everyone's else's, existences?


That's not right.

No, the reason for this whole thing is all because of the person who decided to make her mothers heart stop.

It's all their fault, not her mothers.

But, the police are professionals.

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