I hate you

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Len P.O.V

I've always resented my brother. I don't know why. Would actually like him, if he didn't hate me so much. I guess it has to do with the Accident, which was completely not my fault, but who cares? No one likes me, except Oliver, but I don't know why. Maybe that's also why Linkin hates me. Oliver used to be his best friend. Then the Accident happened, and now he hates me, and I hate him. 

Oliver's cool though. Maybe not as much as Theo, my old best friend. Or Luca, my other best friend, who acts like I don't exist. I guess I deserve his hate, but not Theo's.

Anyways, me and Oliver are buddies, I guess. He still tries to be friends with Linkin, and I've tried to convince him that Linkin will never be his friend again, but he doesn't care.

A bit about our family, and why we hate each other so much. When we were born, our parents were always fighting and stuff, and they almost got divorced. But after a while they got over it, and decided to just stick together and take care of their boys. Then my mom got pregnant again, and my dad decided he didn't want another kid. So they started fighting again. Then my mom had a miscarriage, and my dad decided he loved her and us and was gonna stick around. But things kept getting worse and worse, until my dad decided he couldn't take it anymore. When me and Linkin were almost five, they got divorced, and my dad moved away. We didn't see him for almost three years, but then him and mom decided to be friends again. He moved back to our town, and we started switching from mom to dad's house. Maybe two years later, they started getting all lovey again, and got remarried. Me and Linkin were nine at the time, and didn't really understand everything that was going on between them, but we were glad dad was living with us again. But then Linkin started getting all stupid. He apparently didn't want dad around anymore, because he'd gotten used to him living just outside the family, and was still angry with him for hurting our mom, who he'd always defended. So Linkin and dad started fighting, and pretty soon hated each other. So then Linkin decided to hate me too, for sticking up for dad even though I had problems with him too. And then stuff with our friends happened, and dad left again. Then the Accident happened, and now we hate each other for good probably.

I sometimes wish me and Linkin didn't hate each other so much. I mean, it would be cool to have a buddy to hang out with when I'm bored, or to stay up til two in the morning playing video games, or just talking about stuff we both like. There are lots of those, though neither of us will admit it, even though we both know it's true. 

But still, sometimes I think back on the days when we used to be best friends. When we would go ride our bikes in the backyard and play army guys and eat snacks and sneak over to the neighbors house to get more snacks and treats. But...those days our over, especially now that we're almost twelve. 

I mean, middle school...I know we're just sixth graders, and sixth graders typically aren't popular or cool or anything, but I guess our grade kinda has it's own thing going on, and we don't really care about the other two grades. So yeah, there's the "Clique," which consists of about fifteen girls who giggle over the "Gang," about twelve guys who are "Cool." And there's the "Geeks," five nerdy guys and three nerdy girls who are super smart and are in like math club and stuff. And there's the "Band," all the band kids, and there's the "Streeters," all the kids who slack off or do dumb stuff or have gotten suspended at least twice. Yeah, you don't want to get caught hanging around them unless you actually are one. Oh, and there's the "High and Mighty Losers." Not the actually name, but it's kinda what all the kids who think they are too cool for one of the actually groups but aren't friends with each other are called. Most of them think they're like the coolest people on earth, when really, they're not. And lastly, there's kinda just the "Loners." Not losers, or streeters, just the kids who are shy or only have a few friends, or just don't wanna be in one of the groups. I'm kinda a loner, I guess, even though most of my friends hang out with the Gang. I just...don't really like hanging out with all the popular guys, mostly cause I'm not one of them. Also, Linkin spends most of his time with them, even though he hates Oliver, and Oliver hangs out with most of the Gang.

Anyways, the sixth grade has our own thing going on. There are four kids who aren't in any of the groups, because they're the mean jerks that only hang out with each other because everyone else doesn't like them. Like, really doesn't like them. They are kinda dubbed the "Bullies" or the "Pricks," which seems more accurate. But they mostly bug the Losers, and no one else bothers them. 

Linkin...he once got in a fight with one of the jerks named Princeton. Dumbest name ever, I know. But Linkin walked away shaking his knuckles, and Princeton got suspended for starting it and "hurting" Linkin. All my brother got was one lunch detention. But he became the hero, with girls falling all over him and the Gang slapping his back and giving him stuff. I hated it. Not because I was left in the background, but because he didn't deserve it. 

Once, in fourth grade, I stuck up for a girl getting bullied by a fifth grader. The kid got a bad referral, and all I got was a thank you from the girl. None of my friends congratulated me, I wasn't offered money or skateboards or free movie tickets. But then, two years later, Linkin manages to knock down a school jerk, and he's suddenly the coolest guy on earth. 

Eventually, things went back to normal, me and Oliver hung out again, and I was remembered. But still, months later, it bugs me. 

Maybe that's one of the reasons I hate Linkin so much. He always gets all the attention, but he doesn't always deserve it.

i'm going to start with the actual story next chapter. this was just some background information. please read on, it will be better. thanks so much! love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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