Chapter 1 - Envision

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A calm breeze makes its way passed the blinds, of a room that holds great potential. The room of a boy who has envisioned an amazing life, that he may never live. The warmness of the sun peaking through the blinds awakens a boy named Aries from a deep sleep. He sits up in his bed and stretches out towards his window to open the blinds. The sun lightens up the face of Aries and makes him question it. "What does light bring me? Warmth, happiness?" He wonders. Aries has always been confused about his life, for reasons he does not know. It is quite typical for him to be asking a variety of questions. Aries looks over towards a painting that hung above his clustered school desk, a painting that was of a beautiful and colorful island, and behind was a massive storm. "What does this painting bring me? Pain? Sadness?" he questioned himself. He pauses for a moment to reflect and looks down to the ground. "What is the beauty behind this?" he whispers.
Like everyday, he becomes frustrated for his confusion. No therapist or Psychologist on earth could understand Aries. He was always complex since a child, he always stood out. Aries gets out of bed to freshen up before he starts his day. It is a Saturday so no school to worry about. He heads down to his kitchen to make some breakfast. "One thing that I know I'm never confused about is food" he jokingly says to himself while picking up a box of his favorite cereal. Aries only eats the cereal that a 5-year-old would normally eat, because it is "tastier", as he would say it. That means no Raisin bran or fruits in his cereal, just chocolate or an overload of sugar. He pours his cereal into a bowl and while he is pouring his milk into the bowl there is a loud knock at the door. This knock startles Aries and he spills some of the milk onto the counter. "Damn, who the hell is at my door at 9 in the morning." he thinks to himself. He grabs a towel and wipes his hands while slowly approaching the door as the knocking intensifies. He looks through the peephole and sees nobody, "Who is it?" he shouts. No response. Aries slowly opens the door to see who is on the other side and he is scared nearly to death as his friend was hiding and jumped out to scare him. "Why are you like this?" Aries says with a sigh of relief.
The friend on the other side of the door is Aries best friend since elementary school, Sammy. "Cause if I'm not going to be like this, who will?!" he exclaims. Aries chuckles as he lets Sammy in. As Aries makes his way back to his bowl of cereal, he notices the milk that he spilled was gone. "Wait I thought I spilled milk? Maybe I'm just trippin' out." he thinks to himself. He proceeds to enjoy his bowl of cereal while conversing with Sammy. "Aries man, there is so much drama going on in school its crazy. Joey spread a rumour about Joy saying that he slept with her and now everyone at school is talking about it because they think that you're her boyfriend" Sammy says. Aries starts to get heated over what Sammy said. "That rat bastard Joey, always rubbing his fat nose into everyone's business, I'm so mad I never get to see him." Aries angrily replies. As he starts to pace back and forth murmuring threats. Sammy notices the frustration of Aries, and apologizes. "Hey man, I'm sorry if all of this is frustrating you, I know homeschooling is tough and all but-" Aries interrupts and says "Are you kidding me? I love staying home, I have food and entertainment while I'm in class, what is there not to enjoy about it?!" Sammy looks down to the ground, upset at Aries response. Sammy knew that there were supressed feelings behind those words he said. See Sammy grew up not only getting to know Aries but also fascinated by him. It started from the first day they met in elementary school.
Flashback to their younger days, a young Sammy walks into a classroom full of students and takes a seat at the front of the class. The faces of the students were almost separated, as half of the class looked very upset because they are away from their parents, and the other half that was full of wild students that were stoked to be there and away from home. He looks to his right at the door of the class and sees a slightly taller boy, that Sammy thought was in an older grade. "Is this guy in the wrong class? He looks like he is completely unphased while walking into the room, I swear he has no emotions!" Sammy ponders. Fascinated by a boy who showed no emotions in a moment like that, Sammy knew that he wanted to be friends with him. Being very curious, Sammy decides to get up and see if he could get the seat beside Aries. Seats were filling up quickly, and more students made their way into the classroom. He gets up and makes his way towards Aries, who still looked the same as when he walked in. Sammy felt that having friends that are different than most of the other students called for less drama. He approaches Aries and asks "Hey is this seat beside you taken?" Aries looks up to see Sammy standing in front of him with his signature big smile. Aries glares over to the seat, then looks back at Sammy and asks "If this seat wasn't available, how would that make you feel?". Sammy puzzled by the question starts to stutter as he tries to spit out his answer. "I- I guess it would be okay, I understand." as he looks down and begins to walk away. Right before he could even make it too far Aries calls out "Hey I never said the seat was unavailable!" Sammy looks back in shock as he now sees Aries now sitting with a smile. He smiles back as he understood why Aries asked that question. They converse for a little bit about themselves, Sammy tells Aries that he lives with his mom and dad. "My dad works for the military and my mom is his assistant, my dad is always doing something cool! What about your parents?" Sam explains and then asks back. Aries looks down, his face turns sad. "I live with my nanny; I barely see my parents. They are always going on business trips and working 24/7" Aries says. Right before Sammy can respond the echoing sound of heels clicking makes its way towards the class. All of the students rush to a seat for when the teacher arrives. They waited, and waited, and waited. They realized that the heels were so loud they heard it from down the hallway. As clicking approaches the door a woman holding some books and a coffee cup walks into the class.
"Hello class! My name is Mrs. Cedryc, and I'm going to be your teacher for this year. Since we all just met, let's go around the class saying your name and one thing about you" Mrs. Cedryc announces.
She looks towards the desk of a small girl who looks down with shyness and asks "Let's start with you, what's your name?". The student looks up slightly confused but replies "My name is Joy, and one thing about me is I like to be different" she says as she looks over at Aries. "Excellent! Being different and being yourself is very important for success!" Mrs. Cedryc replies. She looks over towards a young boy wearing a backwards baseball cap, nice running shoes and even a baseball glove sticking out of his backpack. She asks the young boy to say his name and one thing about him. "My name is Joey, and one thing about me is I'm good at all sports!" the young boy says. Mrs. Cedryc was impressed by the answers she's been hearing. Right before she can reply a hand shoots up and asks "Can I go next?!". The class looks over and sees Sammy eager to go next, almost to compete with what Joey had said. "Sure!" Mrs. Cedryc replies. Sammy stands up and says proudly to the class "My name is Sammy Ventura, but you could call me Sam! One thing about me is that I'm very smart!". These answers were so bright and full of confidence. "Nice to meet you, Sammy! I see you made a friend already there let's go to you next, what's your name?" she says. He looks around at the class and sees everyone watching him, eager to see what he would say. "My name is Aries, one thing about me is I question a lot of things around me." Aries says. Slightly caught off guard by his response, Mrs. Cedryc asks Aries to elaborate. Just as he was about to answer, the beep of the PA system goes off and a female voice speaks to the teacher. "Good morning, is there a student by the name Aries?" Mrs. Cedryc was surprised when Aries was called down to the principal's office on the first day. Aries took his belongings and headed down to the office.
He opens the door of the office and sees the principal of the school Mr. Hudson sitting behind his desk, and on the couch to the right of him was a tall man in a dark suit who stood up and towered over Aries. "Hello Aries, my name is Marco Montego and I'm with the FBI" he says while flashing his FBI badge. "FBI? What happened?!" Aries asks. "I'm sorry to inform you that your parents were unfortunately killed in a plane crash. They were on the way back from their trip when the plane lost its engines and plummeted into the ocean. No survivors were found." Marco sadly says. A tear trickles down the face of Aries, the first tear he ever shed. "W-what do you mean t-t-they're dead?" millions of things start rushing through his brain and gets overwhelmed. Aries whispers "this can't be true" as he passes out.
Back to present day, Sammy asks Aries a question that would turn this situation around. "So Aries, I know it's been so long since we met, and you didn't tell me about your parents... you know, them passing away, is that that why you've done home schooling this entire time? I just want to know cause I'm your friend and I care about you and I feel like you don't trust me as much or think that-" right before Sammy could finish speaking, he is interrupted by a loud bang as Aries slams the table and spills more cereal. "Enough! When I feel like talking about it I will, I don't give a damn whether it's 5 days, 5 months, 5 years I don't care, when the time is right I will!" Aries screams. He marches down to his room and slams the door shut to hide his tears from Sammy. "Aries come out I'm sorry I brought it up you're right whenever you're ready to talk about it then we can, no matter how long." Sammy says from one side of the door. On the other side Aries sits with his back against the door, no response. Sammy sighs as he understands he should leave Aries alone. Sammy makes his way towards that front door of the house and decides to clean up Aries mess before he leaves. When he glares over, he notices that there is no mess. There was no milk or cereal spilled on the counter. Confused by this, he continues to walk towards the door and walks out of the house, the one people in the neighborhood call the house of mysteries.

Envision - The Tale Of AriesWhere stories live. Discover now