chapter 1

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present day 2040

I had just finished spray painting the side of the supermarket when I saw the avengers fly in. "Natasha Caitlin Maximoff your under arrested for thief, vandalism and resisting arrested. surrender yourself."Natasha yelled. earlier that day I stole some clothes and Jewelry from a store and ran from the avengers. "No if you want me, you have to catch me." I said as I flew off. I looked behind me to see iron man and my dad following me, I also figured wasp and antman where to.

I flew until I Reached an empty field, I wasn't going to fight them where civilians where near, I'm not a monster. "ready to give up yet?" wasp asked as she and Antman grew to normal size. "No the funs just beginning."I said with a smirk. as I messed with her mind. "Scott, Scott no, no don't die on me." wasp said as she was seeing a injured Antman. "Hope, I'm right here, What did you do to hope?"Scott yelled. "I just showed her, her worse nightmare."I said with an evil laugh.

"don't make me hurt you." said Vision.

"Don't worry you wont."I said as I hit him with a blast of magic only to be blasted by tony.

I Almost hit the ground but flew back up just in time then landed on the ground. "Caitlin stop we don't want to hurt you. " Natasha scolded. "what are you gonna do blackwidow your just ordinary, you have no powers, which makes you one of the weakest avengers aside from hulk and Hawkeye." I said Mockingly. "No I may not have powers but I AM STRONGER THEN YOU!." Nat yelled as she tackled me to the ground. I used my powers to push her off me and got up. I saw captain American running at me so I messed with his mind causes him to collapse to the ground. I then felt a powerful blast hit me from behind and I collapsed on the ground.

Dr. strange flew down as the rest of the avengers surrounded me.

"show me your hands and don't move." said Nat as she pointed her gun at me as the rest of the avengers had there weapons at the ready to stop me but I did as I was told as Nat rolled me on to my back. "Natasha Caitlin Maximoff your under arrested for theft, vandalism and resisting arrest." blackwidow said as she put the cuff on my wrist. "you have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..." Cap said as he read me my right. "Dad looked at me with a very disappointed look on his face.

They took me back to the Avengers tower and put me in a cell that negated my powers. "what did she do this time." my brothers asked. "None of your concerned now please leave because we need to talk." vision said. the boys did as the were told and left the room

"If she keeps doing this she will ended up in a shield prison, we cant protect her forever." Bucky said while looking over at me.

"I know, once she turns 18 in two years we wont be able to help her."Natasha added.

"we need to stop this behavior one of us needs to talk to her." Thor said. "

I agree, Put her in the interrogation room and let me go at her." said nat.

Cap and Ironman came and handcuffed me and moved me into a small dark room where they chained me to the table I was seated at and then left with out saying anything. I sat in that room for awhile until I saw the door open and aunt Nat walk in and sit across from me. "What do you want agent Romanoff."I Said as I rolled my eyes. "I want to know what the hell is wrong with you, you steal, vandalism and deliberately disobey authority."Nat yelled. "Nothing I just hate all of you" I said with a smirk. "You think this is fun, because its not. one day you will go to far and will be there to put you in a shield prison and we don't want to do that." Natasha yelled as she slammed her fist on the table.

"I don't care and what are you going to do, you are so weak Natasha. your a useless avenger." I said mocked her.

Oh you think so, you wouldn't last 5 minutes in the red room. on second though maybe something like that would do you some good." Nat said. I didn't say anything as I used the bobby pin I took out of my hair earlier to try and unlock the cuffs. "What happened to you? me and you used to be so close and now your so cold and mean. what happened to that sweet girl that used to be my best friends?" Nat questioned. "She's gone."I said as I quickly wiped away a few stray tears hoping Nat didn't notice

"you know your mom wouldn't want this, she would want you to be happy and not committing crimes." Nat said. "You have no right to talk about my mother."I screamed as I got out of the cuffs and blasted Nat making her hit the wall. I took that opportunity to make my escape. "Stop yelled ironman." as he and the avengers chase me but I didn't listen. I got away from him using my superspeed but ran right into Dr. strange. He didn't say anything as he opened the eye of Agamotto and started to do some kind of spell. before I could say anything to him I was hit by a blinding green light and everything went black.

all right hope you enjoyed this chapter. next one will be up soon.

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