Act One: Friendship: Part Three

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I didn't know how to react. I wished i could reverse time and prevent this from happening. But i could make do with what i had.
I shoved him away from me as hard as i could, then pushed past him. I had no idea where i was going, but i eventually found my way out. The sun surprised me, and i blinked as i made my way to the school campus.

It took me a while before i finally made it back. I rushed up the stairs and unlocked my dorm. Madison and Alicia were waiting for me, looking pale.

"Oh my gosh, we saw Mr. Faust running with you to the nurses office, you looked dead!" It took me a moment to realize it was Alicia that had screamed. Nice of them to come visit me at the nurses office.

"Well I'm fine now." I muttered before flopping onto my bed.

"Mr. Faust told all the students to go to their dorms because of your accident." I couldn't help but notice that Madison sounded bitter. Well sorry for raining on your boy parade with my heart murmur. I secretly rolled my eyes and muttered an apology.

"Well at least you're alright." Alicia said. I shrugged because i was feeling the oposite of alright. All because of Mephisto.

I turned onto my side and closed my eyes. I wondered if i would sing in my sleep again. Well, we'll have to find out.

I opened my eyes and saw that the sun was just coming up. I then rolled over and got a facefull of Madison and Alicia. I was so startled i flopped off the bed.

"Oof!" I landed on my side. I immediately kept my breathing even so i wouldn't have an episode.

"What are you doing?!"

"You were singing!" Alicia said excitedly. She whipped out her phone and showed me a video. In it i was laying on my side, singing "Balled of Mona Lisa". I groaned.

"Please erase that."

"No way! I'm sending it to everyone on campus!"

"Alicia if you value your life you will erase that vid-"

"Too late!" I grabbed her phone. Sure enough, the message was currenty being sent to everyone on campus. How did she get everyone's number that quickly?

"No!" I screamed, then i jumped up and ran outside. I ran all the way to the fountain in the middle of campus before i stopped. People were checking their phones, some were giggling, some were calling their friends over to see it.




My life is over.

"Aaushi!" I heard Rin calling to me, but i turned and ran. I got to an abandoned shed before using my exorcist key to get into Cram School. Cram School wasn't supposed to start for another hour, but i still made my way to the classroom and slammed the door shut. Then i smashed my head into the desk. I became light headed but didn't even care.

"When im gone just carry on, don't mourn, rejoice. Every time you hear the sound of my voice. Just know that, im looking down on you smiling, not even feeling pain so baby don't feel no pain, just smile back." I quoted Eminem to make myself feel better. Why did my life have to suck so much? I groaned and hit my head repeatedly on the desk.
Great, my second day of school and already I'm a laughing stock.

I groaned louder and let my head rest. I knew I'd get a bruise. Dad never told me i sang in my sleep. Or did it start after my other mom...

Nevermind. It doesn't matter.

I didn't remember falling asleep, but i woke up with a sudden jolt. I felt like people were watching me. I opened my eyes and saw everyone except Yukio watching me sleep.

Or hear me sing.

"Why hello creeps." I greeted, stretching.

"So, what was i singing this time?"

"Uh." Koneko began.

"You were awesome! You sang Lie and Kissing in Cars." Rin interrupted.

"Huh. I've already sung that. Curious." I tried not to stress about them hearing me. Even though i was screaming inside.

"You sounded great." Shima said.

"Uh... thanks?"

"Your video on singing Balled of Mona Lisa got spread all over campus." Bon said snidely. I blushed and fiddled with my fingers.

"How long were you guys listening to me sleep?"

"About five minutes. You were here before us." Kamiki told me.

"I got here an hour ago." I whispered.

"Why'd you run away from me, by the way?" Rin asked. I shrugged and didn't look at him.

"You should join the school talent show. With you up there i might just go." Shima winked. Eww.

"I'm kinda already in it. For extra credit." I rubbed the back of my head, feeling embarrassed.

"Well I'll definately go." Rin said. I realized that someone was missing, and i whispered to Rin
"Where's Mephisto?"

"He didn't come with me today. Said he's busy." I felt a surge of happiness. Good! Yukio came in and we went to our desks.

"Good afternoon. We have a new guest, her name is Shiemi Moriyama, and she'll be studying with us." We all said hello, and Sheimi came to sit down next to me and Rin. Rin smiled at her, and i guessed they already met. Good for Rin!

"Now we'll be going to the gym to study summoning circles. Follow me." We all stood up and followed Yukio.

"What's your name?" Shiemi asked.

"Aaushi." I told her. She smiled.

"That's a pretty name. I like it a lot." I smiled back at her.

"Thanks. I like your name too. It sounds full of life." She smiled.

"You should hear Aaushi, she can really-!"

"Heeeey! We're almost here." I covered Rins mouth and he sputtered, trying to say what i didn't want him to say.

"I can't wait to try and summon a demon helper!" I forced a laugh. Shiemi smiled.

"Me too!"

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