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30 days later

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30 days later

Caleb intertwined his hand with mine as he led me outside of my house with my eyes covered with some type of material. "Caleb, where are we going?" I yelled as I nearly tripped on the curb after the driveway.

"Just get in the car," he laughed as he helped me in. Luckily, I had quite good awareness so I did up my seatbelt and smiled across at him when he got in.

"Are you going to tell me yet?" I asked, looking forwards and crossing my arms, I tried to look at him but knowing me, I was probably looking out the window.

"Not yet princess," he said as he held onto my cheek, making me jump but I kissed him anyway as he touched his lips onto mine.

I couldn't actually see him, but it still felt nice. "Now let's go," he said to me, returning to the position he was in and drove the car to wherever he was taking me.

We drove for around twenty minutes until he stopped and parked up somewhere. Hearing nothing but silence around me probably suggested either he was going to secretly kill me or has set up a cute date.

I'm expecting the second option.


Slowly, two hands crept up to my face and pulled the blindfold off.

What was in front of me was so incredibly beautiful.

It was lit by the sunset and the beach was clear with nobody and nothing on it. He led me out of the car and towards the middle of the beach where a blanket was laid out with a picnic next to it. I stared in awe as he placed his hand around my back.

"Happy anniversary," he said, kissing me on the cheek and embracing me in his arms. "It's been a month," I replied laughing but leaned into the kiss anyway.

"Still a milestone for me," he replied, laughing as I hit him lightly on the chest. We both sat down in a comfortable position where I was laid against him as he leant up against the sand.

He pulled out various cakes and sweet foods but we had eaten most of it in the first five minutes of him getting it out.

"Thank you so much for this," I said, smiling and staring at the sunset that was nearing the edge of the water. "No problem, anything for you, princess," he kissed the top of my head as he spoke, sending shivers through my body, like he usually did.

Normally someone saying the word princess or any sort of cheesy name would make me cringe but coming from Caleb, he always made it sound amazing.

Caleb pulled out some beers and opened them with a small smile on his lips. He knew I was definitely more of a beer person anyway and I usually only drank at parties, but this felt like a celebratory moment to drink.

I had a few gulps before I turned all the way round so I was almost lying on top of Caleb and I kissed him for a proper thank you.

"I forgot to bring the sex on the beach but I'm sure you can provide it," he told me as I shoved him yet kissed him more.

Laughing, I pulled myself off of him and leaned against his side then watched the sunset.

"This is perfect," I told him as I listened to each of his deep breaths with my head was leaning on his chest. He smiled as we watched it go down and finally hit the surface of the water.

"Are you in for some swimming or are you too chicken?" He asked me as he started to produce chicken noises. Whenever he did that, it made me really want to make a point so I slowly pulled my shirt off revealing my black lace bra and I pulled off my skirt revealing the same coloured pants.

"Too chicken am I? or are you the chicken?" I asked, smiling proudly.

"I'm just admiring the view," he told me as he looked me up and down. I leaned down and made it seem like I was about to kiss him before I then pushed him away and sprinted towards the water. "Last person there is a rotten egg!" I shouted back childishly.

The sound of footsteps patted on the ground behind me, getting closer every second. I turned around to see Caleb slowly gaining on me as he pulled off his shirt and shorts to reveal his favourite Calvin Klein boxers.

Well, my favourite ones too.

I smiled as I picked up speed, I was now less than twenty metres away from the water.

Suddenly, two hands grasped round my waist and I was lifted up over his shoulder and pulled into the water. The ice cold water surrounded my skin as I was pulled under. I laughed to myself as I pushed back up and saw Caleb hysterically laughing.

Now was my time to fake it.

"Owww, my foot is bleeding, I think I've cut it on something under the water!" I screamed as I let the fake tears flow down my cheeks. He immediately stopped laughing and rushed to my rescue.

Just as he was about to grab me, I pushed his head under water and to my surprise, he actually fell under. I was laughing like an idiot as he lifted me up and held onto my waist. "You idiot!" he shouted jokingly as I wrapped my arms round his shoulders.

"Oh, I'm the idiot? You're the one who just fell under because their girlfriend is a brilliant actress," he laughed as he pulled my face towards his and kissed me again.

I wrapped my legs round his waist as the sky darkened. I wasn't as scared as I used to be because I knew that with Caleb, I would be perfectly fine.

"I love you Gabriella Hart." he told me, pulling out of the kiss.

"I love you too Caleb Andrews," I said with one breath as I stared deeply into his eyes, "now and forever."

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