𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙽𝙾𝚃 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚘

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Things Not To Do 

Do NOT pretend to have a mental illness or disorder! As someone who actually has more than one, I find it incredibly offensive when I see people trying to fake them. Think about how Toby would feel knowing that you're faking Tourettes, you're basically mocking him. Having a disorder doesn't make you "edgy" and it isn't a cool personality trait. It sucks. If you think that faking this sort of a thing is okay, just get off of this book, you're too immature for this.

Don't obsess over them. When I say this I don't mean that you shouldn't obsess over creepypasta videos and content. I mean that you shouldn't obsess over seeing them in real life, if you end up doing that you might end up quitting early because of slow results. The reality of it is that you won't get to see them right away, it could take weeks, months or even years depending on multiple factors.

Don't rush them. If they aren't talking to you it means that they either don't want to talk or don't feel confident enough to talk. If they aren't letting you see them it means that they're either in spirit form or hiding, let them be like that if it makes them comfortable. If you're summoning them far too often and they aren't showing up, take some time to think about what you're doing wrong. It isn't their fault that they don't want to ramble for 24 hours every day of the week. They aren't games, they're living sentient beings, treat them with kindness. Always be respectful and know your boundaries with them.

Don't attempt to contact them without doing a protection spell beforehand. I said what I said. If you summon Jeff without a protection spell and end up getting hurt, guess who's fault it is? It's not mine, it's not Jeff's, It's yours.

DO NOT MAKE THEM MAD FOR THE SAKE OF A SUMMONING!!! There are a lot of summonings going around that involve angering the Creepypastas in order to summon them. Do NOT do those! There's a popular summoning going around where you have to stand at your window and say "Liu, I know where Jeff is" but you don't really know where Jeff is. It results in an angry Liu & Sully, which is something you probably wouldn't want. When you're invoking them you should be kind, cautious and brave, not a backstabbing liar.

Don't kill people. I'm honestly surprised that I even have to say this. There are a few summonings on the internet that involve hurting or killing animals or other humans in order to summon the Creepypastas. It won't work, so don't try it. Imagine ending the life of a poor innocent being who had emotions, memories, hopes, dreams, family, etc. Just so that you can see a Creepypasta. If you kill humans for a goddamn spell, you have no heart. If you kill animals, you have no soul.

Don't rush into summonings without understanding the basics of witchcraft. Most of the people who summon Creepypastas haven't even casted a circle yet, what makes you think that you'll be able to successfully summon and demon and have a conversation with it?

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