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A/N: Hi! I'm angel, my pronouns are she/her, and before I start the story I just want to clarify some things. Even though this is a SpencerxOC fic, I want to include readers as much as I can in the plot. I find myself reading all these stories and being picky about how the plot should have developed, or how the OC  should have more complexity, so I decided to make my own story instead of being a bitch about it. Oh, and IF you're looking for something angsty, this story is not it. I will have a mental breakdown if they don't have a happy ending so don't worry about that ;)

The Girl With Fire in Her Heart and Sparks in Her Eyes

The Girl With Fire in Her Heart and Sparks in Her Eyes

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Nova Emryn Yīkào

The Boy Who Couldn't Help But Be Drawn To Her Flames.

The Boy Who Couldn't Help But Be Drawn To Her Flames

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Spencer Walter Reid

A/N: AAAAAAAAAA MY BABIES!! I'm so excited. OH, AND BTW, Nova is a woman of colour if you have a problem with the fact she's not a 4'0 tall blond-haired blue-eyed Mary Sue please exit to your left and slam the door behind you. I'm not going to give her a face claim, but I will be describing her looks throughout the book. I like to leave the rest up to the reader's imagination. There will NOT be a pregnancy in this book until closer to the end IF there is one at all, I'm not with that shit.  Oh and remember that opposites attract ;)

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