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She could hear his whimpers and pleads as she readjusted her dress. She has absolutely no idea why she bought that thing, it was too damn tight. "P-please, I- I have a wife! A family- I don't deserve this." He repeated sputtering over his words.

Nova grimaced in disgust when she felt a tear of his fall down to the ground next to her very expensive shoe. Ugh.

"A wife? Oh, but where's your ring?" she said pulling a fake pout as she crouched down in front of him. He looked at her and noticed her fiddling with his ring which rested on her thumb along with many other rings. Nova's hands were sexy, and she knew it. He sputtered, his face going red. "Y-YOU BITCH! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" Nova laughed as he struggled against the restraints she had tied. "Aw, come on, Chad. You don't remember the safe word?" She said mockingly. The only way she could get him into those ropes and handcuffs was to pretend they were for sex. Again, men were stupid. She had no idea how she hadn't thought she was up to something when she gave him directions to an abandoned building. Of course, it wasn't really abandoned. Her network owned it technically, but they owed her a favor.

"Now, Chad. I'm going to give you a choice. Either you call the police and confess to your raping 17 women, or I shoot you with this gun, and send proof that you raped them to all of your friends and family. Then you'll die a cheater, a rapist, AND a coward. Talk about a triple threat." She said, snorting at her own joke as he sobbed.

She rolled her eyes. This was pathetic. He just threw a tantrum like a baby. His face went beet red and Nova couldn't differentiate between the drool, tears, or snot that was residing on his disgusting face. "I'm doing your wife a favor" she muttered as she pulled out her gun and rested it against the side of his head.

His blubbering grew louder. He was absolutely terrified. Nova had been casually threatening him for over an hour, telling him how worthless and pathetic he was and how he deserved to go to jail. "NO! P-Please! I'LL DO IT! ILL CONFESS." he said sobbing loudly. "good boy." Nova said, patting his cheek mockingly and standing up straight with a roll of her eyes. She took his phone out and dialed 9-1-1. "Chad, I know you're probably smarter than this, but if you say anything about me just know that you have got absolutely nothing on me. Not a fingerprint, not a name, and after I'd be done with you, you wouldn't have eyes to identify me with, is that clear?" she said with an eerily calm tone to her voice.

His face scrunched up like he ate something sour and he started trembling. Nova raised her eyebrows discreetly. This was new. Suddenly, a voice came from the end of the line "9-1-1 What's your emergency?" a voice came muffled through the line. Nova sighed and put it on speaker, clicking the gun menacingly and lining it up with the back of Chad's head. "P-please, I- I raped them all. I raped all those w-women. I'm married. I-I enjoyed it. I don't feel bad- I'm worthless and pathetic. Please- Please take me to jail." He rushed out. She grimaced at him in disgust. Now Nova remembers why she did this job. The line was silent for a second. Nova mouthed "tell them where you are" and he started sobbing harder. She sighed and pressed the gun to his head with more force, the sharp, steel end hitting his skin.

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Sam replaced the number plate of Chad's car with a fake one as Nova drove away in Sam's yellow Volkswagen, the cops just pulling up to the scene. As if rehearsed, Sam drove around the block, to just in front of the house where the police were waiting, putting Chad into the police car. Sam let out a tiny smile as the police made him pull over. He rolled down the windows and the police looked to Chad in annoyance as he blubbered. "No- that- that's my car! WHERE IS THE GIRL? THAT'S MY CAR!" the police glanced at the license plate and sighed before apologizing to Sam and walking away. He shrugged it off with a smirk and drove away to the impound lot.

He felt his phone ring and immediately picked up, knowing it was Nova. "Hey Noves," he said casually as he pulled into the lot. He threw the keys to the owner and handed the phone to him, letting Nova do her thing. "Oh! Hello Ms.Yīkào. Oh, yes, yes of course! Well, thank you! Another pig off the streets thanks to you Ms. Oh- well you flatter me. Yes of course I'm sure you're very busy. Good evening to you too Ms." He said hurriedly. Sam snickered at his bright red face.

Nova sighed as she got into the bath, ready to wash away all the dirt and lies she had caked on herself a couple of hours prior. She loved her neighborhood, they were her family. She had the skills to do it, and it was her duty to keep them safe. But she just didn't know how much longer she could cope. Every day was a fight for her survival, every day was a fight to make sure everyone she loved was okay. Nova felt her muscles start to ease up as she sunk further into the warm water. She felt like something big was coming, she just didn't know what it was yet.

Meanwhile, in Quantico, the profilers of the BAU were getting pulled from the warmth of their beds by one extremely excited Penelope Garcia. "Guys, I'm telling you, you're going to LOVE this one!" 

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