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I want to move from ohio and live an easy life, not saying I hate my job or constantly looking for work. I failed 7th and it hurt me mentally. I felt like I was worthless but when I realized my mistakes it made school a thousand times more enjoyable. First I want to talk about my family, my brother was recently kicked out of the house. He was doing "serve" yes, he was selling and I'm scared for him. My dad wants me to graduate high school my grandma is the only person who graduated and I don't want to follow in my family's footsteps. I want more than jail or a drug addiction, I want to leave ohio and find my interest and career and goals. I have some pretty helpful friends who got my back with anything and my problems which I'm glad I have. Colton, Kyle, Nick, Rebecca, Jessica, maddie, and these girl are beautiful. I've known Colton for 7 or 8 years, He can be a dick but nothing like my old friend he used to hit me and get me in a shit ton of trouble which I don't want anymore. Kyle I met him last year and I thought he looked like a douche but no he is my homie and he has my back with anything and everything without hesitation.  I've only knew him for a 1 or 2 and I feel like I've known him my whole life. Nick is my bro I judged him to quickly and he's the same with kyle and colton has my back without hesitation.  Rebecca I've known her since 4th and she really fun and I wish the best for her. Jessica god you're gorgeous, I'm lucky tonhave her as a friend and how she supports me, I appreciate it. Maddie I've met you last year and you're pretty damn cute and you help me a lot and thank you.

My pass relationship had me depressed because I just wasn't happy with the distance and we're  most likely going to different schools next year. I know she won't see this but just know I'm the kind of ex boyfriend who will silently look after you unless we were friends before. I'm happier now and blessed to have what I got and I needed this to move on and be myself. I wish you the best of luck.

I know I don't have a lot problems and there's people in worst places but I'm writing to express myself and let the stress go. I love you guys and I hope we will still be the same if I don't go to high school next year. I kinda get emotional hinking about it and I don't do that a lot.

I wish the best for all of you and can't forget Mackenzie, you guys don't know her but she's a amazing person in my life. She's graduated and helping me and actually she helps me think more about my education.

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