Things Start To Get Spicy (Alt Ending)

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Joey's P.O.V.

So I had just kissed my long-time crush, Matt, and man it was amazing. I'm so glad I did because I was so afraid he didn't like me (even though he made it very obvious) so when he kissed back I was ecstatic. I decided to break the small bit of tension that was starting to arise.

"Hey, Matt... I really like you, maybe even love, so I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me sometime?" I said in an obvious nervous tone. He didn't respond for a good minute so I got nervous that I maybe moved things too fast and that he doesn't like me.

"I would love to Joey." He replied after a minute in a happy-go-lucky tone with a smile. 'God his smile is so cute' I thought. I decided to take things a little further by kissing him again but a bit more harshly this time. I pressed my body closer to his putting our body heat together. Even though it was a bit cold outside, the way our bodies were pressed together was warm. Just as I was about to go further with this we heard aggressive footsteps from the track heading this way. We quickly parted from our heated makeout session when we heard yelling.

"JUST WHAT DO YOU TWO THINK YOU'RE DOING STILL ON CAMPUS? AND MAKING OUT NO LESS!" We turned around to see Ms. Lopez yelling at us. All of a sudden she pulled out a .357 magnum and started blasting us. She shot me twice, once in the left shoulder and once in his mid-torso, and she shot Matt once... straight in the heart. Matt died on the spot and while I slowly bled out Ms. Lopez just walked away with an evil kind of grin that you would see on a serial killer... maybe she has killed more students before but all I know is that she has just added two boys to her kill count.

THE END (or is it)

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