If you walk too fast you get really short of breath.
Posledica i stanje su tacni.
Present simple.FIRST
If i have time later i will upload some of the photos onto the blog.Trenutna situacija i moguca posledica.
Zavisna-present simple
Glavna-future simple
will + glagolSECOND
If-kada bi
If i was fitter I wouldn't find this so hard.Trenutna situacija i posledica u buducnosti (velika verovatnoca da je nemoguce da se ostvari).
Zavisna-past simple
Glavna- would+infTHIRD
If-da sam/smo/si
Someone would have got hurt if we had played any longer.Situacija i posledica se desavaju u proslosti i nemoguce je da se promene.
Zavisna-past perfect
Glavna- would+have+past participle(ed)Mix I
If young people had the vote this government wouldn't have won the last election.
Prosla situacija ili situacija koja je i dalje tacna u trenutku govora o njoj.
Zavisna-second cond.
Glavna-third cond.Mix II
If I had learned about politics a school i would understand how to vote better today.
Zavisna-third cond.
Glavna-second cond.