Chapter {3}

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(Alex's POV)

''For the last time, explain the scene in the cafeteria right here, right now!'' The principle yelled, starting to lose his temper with me. I'm assuming that was because this was the 10th time he had to repeat himself.

I was just sitting there with a bored look, arms crossed over my chest and paying atention to anything in the room but him. However things were different.. I was becoming very annoyed with him and I'm not the most patient person in the world. I was making big efforts because I didn't want to start moking him and being expelled on my FIRST day and why THE HELL didn't he ask King, (seriously, what a name) something this whole time?! I swear he wants to peeve me!

''For the last time, you don't need really need to know what happened!'' I deepened. ''There wasn't a fight! No one got hurt THANKS TO ME, everyone's happy yadda-yadda.''

''Kid, don't provoke me.''

''Do you home-school kids, sir?'' I asked. He blinked at the sudden change of subject but did the mistake to answer my question anyway. ''Yes, why is that?''

''Poor them they must've become retards by now!''

The principle opened his mouth to say something but shut it, opened his mouth and shut it again, widening his eyes. I couldn't help myself to smirk at him, also a snicker could be heared in the room. I colmpletely forgot he was there, so I turned my head to him to see that he was looking at me, more like studying me all this time..

''I've never seen someone like you before.. To be able to shut dads mouth like this.'' Did he.. did he just say 'dad'?! I immediately took a better look at the principle and observed that .. they do have many features in common. The same blond hair, deep blue eyes, the same annoying superior look.. That's why he was picking on me only! He's getting special treatment from his dad!

''Don't you dare to praise him Dylan!'' His, growled. I guess he doesn't like being moked that much ..too bad. ''He deserves a whole you hear me, a WHOLE year of detention for being disrespectful to me!'' A yeah?! Someone's a drama queen..

''With all the respect sir, I think you're overreacting.'' I stated simply, like this was the simplest thing to say.

''Why you little..''

''Dad, cut it off will you?'' King actually surprinsed me by standing up for me, bored tone of voice, and I'm sure the principle was very surprinsed himself because he had the look you'd trow at someone when you want to high-five them in the face with a chair.

''Are you f*ucking stupid?!'' Oh the f word.. The principle is being very bad right now. ''Listen to yourself!''

''Didn't you hear me dad?'' He stated in a warning tone, deadly seious and his eyes almost piercing through his dads soul. He's ..standing up for me.. Why?!

The principle eyed his son very carefully and after that he.. smirked? A knowing smirk?! No, I think I'm imaging things.. Anyway the smirk was gone the second it was there so I'm not very sure..

''I can't believe I'm doing this but Storm you are free to go.. '' He sighed as if this was causing him physical pain. ''I won't ask you anymore questions, I can see you won't tell me a thing and I have far more important things to do with my time so ..leave my office this instant before I change my mind.''

I slowly got up on my feet and headed for the exit obviously followed by ..him. Once we were a few steps away from the principles office he pinnned me against the lockers and because he's much stronger than me I couldn't fight back and just hissed at the pain in my back caused by the lockers.

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