Boyfriend pt.2

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A/N:Woah I feel like this took forever And A half and I feel like it's terrible so let me know what you think

Jayden's P.O.V:

Today was the day, oh boy was I nervous. My parent's are meeting my boyfriend, I'm swearing bullets just thinking about it. I looked into the mirror and straightened my dress one last time.

"Jayden!" I heard My mom call out, "yes?" "When is he going to be here?" "In a couple of minutes mom!" I texted to see if he was ready.

Text conversation:

J: Hey
J:when are you gonna get here
E:I'm already out the door, it'll only take 10 minutes
J:Okay great!
E:Hey, are you nervous?
J:Yeah a lot, you?
E:I'm nervous too, I mean what if your parents don't like me? Especially your dad?
J:Er Just Relax, You'll be Fine My parents will love you!
E:You really think so?
J:Oh I know They're gonna love you
E:Thanks Babe
J:Your welcome!
E:I'm almost here
J:God, I'm nervous
E:Oh so you're the nervous one now
J:Whatever, Bye Er
E:Bye Pretty Girl

"Who was that?"
Mom asked after she popped her head into my room, "Oh it's just Eric" "Ah Yes, The Boyfriend" "Yeah" I blushed "you really like him don't you" she smiled "yeah, I do" "Well I'm really happy for you but If he ever hurts you he's gonna be six feet under" she warned.

I smiled at her protectiveness "that is if dad doesn't get to him first" "yeah there's too, but listen babe Me and your dad just want you to be happy" she reassured me "yeah, I know" All of sudden I hear the door bell ring "oh, he's here!" I ran downstairs "Be careful" I heard My mother say but I didn't care, I heard My dad say "Is that him?" as he was walking down the stairs "dad be nice" "I will" he reassured and opened the door, I saw that he was wearing a tux. ‘Hmmm he's wearing a tux, he must really be scared’ 

"Hey Jay"
"Hey" We both leaned in to kiss forgetting who was right in front was but we're reminded when my dad cleared his throat

"Sorry Dr Sloan" He apologized
"It's Fine, Come In"
Eric Came in and sat at the dinner table along with me and my parents and it was a few minutes of pure awkward silence
"It's a nice house you've got here" Eric complimented trying to break the ice
"Thank You Eric" My Mom smiled
"Yeah Thanks" My dad replied in a stoic manner
"The food looks wonderful mom"
"Thanks Hon, please eat before it gets cold" and all of us started digging in

"The Food tastes delicious Dr.Grey"
"Thank you, I'm glad you like it"
"So Eric" My dad started
"Yes Sir?"
"Where are you planning on going to college?"
"UCLA or Julliard, I want to be and actor"
"Okay that's nice" I could sense dads obvious distaste for the fact that Eric wanted to be an actor and I could tell mom did too

"Okay Eric What are your future plans?" My Mom tried to diffuse the situation
"Umm probably go to college, get a job buy an apartment, Get into acting and Settle down"

"Do you plan settling down with my daughter"

"Oh I hope So" He laughed nervously

"Do you work somewhere right now?" Mom asked

"Yeah I work at Target, It's not Permanent but the pays not bad and it's got me solvents actually Jayden got me the job"

"Why couldn't you get a job yourself" my dad asked a bit mad
"Were you not a big man enough to get it yourself?!"
"Ah no sir I-"
"Dad enough, you promised you would be nice"
Right, Jay I'm sorry I just got a bit out of control, I'm sorry" I cleared my throat and moved my eyes to Eric as if to say apologize to him not me

"I'm sorry Eric" He reluctantly said
"It's Fine Dr.Sloan, I know you're just a little protective over your daughter"
Dad Seemed a little surprised by how forgiving he was

"So Eric what are your intentions With my daughter?"
"Dad!" I chastised him
"Nothing Bad I hope"
"Oh My god"
"Oh, don't worry sir"
"So Eric, Do you like Football?"
"Are you kidding me, I love Football!"
"I think I'm gonna like you"

After Dinner:

As Eric was leaving and mom and dad were cleaning up I leaned in to kiss him
"Did my Dad scare you off yet?
"No, He's just protective over you, I get it"
"Thanks for understanding" I smiled
"I mean we both love Football so that's something"
"I Know, you guys were talking about it almost the entire dinner"
"Yeah, Sorry about that" he rubbed the back of  his head sheepishly
"Oh don't worry it's fine! Hey maybe you guys will end up Bonding over it?" I tried
"Yeah we'll see"
"Okay I'll see you Tomorrow" I smiled
"Yeah, Me too but first he grabbed my face, leaned and kissed me, we were practically making out and slipped his tongue into my mouth when I heard someone clear their throat

"Sorry Dad"
"Sorry Dr.Sloan" We both exclaimed in unison
"You do that again and you'll have a black eye" Dad warned
"Sorry Sir it won't happen again"
"Yeah I hope not"
"At least not in front of you" Eric whispered under his breath but I heard him

"What was that?" Dad cried
"Uhhh Nothing" He quickly covered Up
"Yeah, I that's what I thought"

Dad went upstairs alongside mom
"God, Your dad really is scary"
"Don't worry about him, he'll soften up In a couple of weeks"
"Yeah I hope so"
Don't let my dad drive you away, I really like what we have going here"
"Yeah me too" we both smiled, We leaned in and our foreheads touched
"Hi" I blushed furiously

We kissed again and He Left

A couple of Months later:

3rd Person P.O.V:

Sure Enough, Mark and Eric Really ended up Bonding over football, They Sometimes joked that Mark was his second Dad and Eric was The son he never had, Mark liked having a guy after always being in all girl household. Over All they both ended really liking Each other, Jayden sometimes felt like she was the third wheel and Lexie Felt Eric stole her husband but they were both glad Eric and Mark ended up getting along, Lexie ended up really loving him too But no one loved him more than Megan

He was really protective over her almost like a big brother, Megan Said she wanted to marry him and anyone who bullied Megan Had hell to pay

"God I'm pretty sure My family loves you more than me"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure your family loves me more than my own family"

"Yeah, I'm glad It all ended up working out"

"Yeah Me too"

We both leaned in and kissed passionately, after pulling when their lungs began to burn for air

We rested our foreheads together and breathed heavily



"I love you"

"I love you too"


Requests are welcome!

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