"meeting" Ben

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     "i guess i could tell you but first, why are yall bleeding and who are yall?"  "im sally i died when i was eight, thats jeff hes a insane teenager who killed his whole family when he was 13, and thats masky hes really strong! and a proxy" sally points at each of them "whats a proxy?" Ben tilts his head like a confused dog, jeff, masky and sally all have a slight shocked expression "you dont know about slenderman?" jeff asks ben looking at his black eyes "hes real?! that so cool! i know his games!""he has his own games? no fair" jeff crosses his arms "now if you dont mind telling us about yourself?" masky looks at ben as ben sits criss cross on the rug in the middle of the living room 

      "I died at 12, my father sold me to a cult and the sacrificed me by locking me to a chair and having the room fill with water till i drowned.  After that i woke up inside my old favorite game "majoras mask" and i waited for a long time in the game just exploring and fighting link, until some kid found my game and played it.  i followed him around as the link statue and he was so scared it was so funny, but he decided to do the same thing everyone has ever done and to go into the lake to try and kill link, after that I stuck my hands out of the screen and chocked the kid till he died.  and from then lots of people would find my game and play it or sell it and i would kill whoever killed me, well killed link" Ben smiled "oh wow...Your so cool!" sally jumps off the sofa and runs to ben and hugs him "and im so sorry we drowned you" Bens eyes shot open "someone is sorry for me.  He reached his hands to hug her back.

      "hey want to see something cool sally?" "Yea!" Ben stood up and glitched as he disappeared again but he wasnt in the tv either they all looked around until they saw him inside on jeffs phone that was sitting on the sofas arm "woah!" he jumps out of jeffs phone again and a glitch path shoots over to the lamp and then out and over to maskys phone that was on the floor.  "thats pretty cool ben" Jeff says in awe, none of them had seen anything like it before so they were all pretty impressed, Ben shot out and sat on the rug again "y34 1 c4n tr4v3l thtough aanything with e-e-3lectr;c1ty...electricity, sorry 4fter i travel like that i glitch a bit" He rubbed the back of his head nervouse that he kept glitching "its fine dude, that pretty sick that you can do that" masky was still pretty shocked.

Ben DrownedWhere stories live. Discover now