Double Crossed, A Spy AU

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Relationship: Multi DSMP Friendship, Bench Trio Friendship, Minors Friendship (Ik Purpled and Ranboo aren't Minors anymore but this group now Eryn, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo and Purpled), DreamNotFound, KarlNap

Triggers?: None

Story Type: Multi Part Story

Story: Dream, George, Karl, and Sapnap are part of the same Spy Corperation. But word spreads through the Corp that there is a Double Agent from a Spy Corp that was stopped over a year ago. Sometimes, it's true that you keep your friends close and your enemies closer

Let's begin!


"Boss, Callahan and I traced everything, Dynalegion has completely disappeared!" Foolish tells the Leader of their Organization as Callahan nods beside him "Almost like they never existed"

"Keep looking Foolish and Callahan, I'm sure you can find them" The leader told them

"That's just it sir, it's like they've erased everything about themselves so we can't Track them, Might I suggest-"

"Foolish, you and Callahan are the best Intelligence Analysts we have at Zeta, I'm sure you two can figure out something, Dismissed" He walks off

Foolish sighs, looking at Callahan "All the leads I had were on that Flash Drive they stole from Hbomb...Now what?"

Callahan thought before smiling and pointing in a direction. From the Entrance Tubes, Down came Four of Zeta's Top Agents, Clay, Karl, Nick, and George. But three of their Codenames were Dream, Sapnap, and Gogy.

"Callahan! You're a genius!" Foolish smiles as the two of them walk to the four "Just the Agents we needed to see!"

"Foolish, is something wrong?" Dream asked

"Listen, do you four think you can go back to the Dynalegion Warehouse"

"Why?" Karl questions

"They took H's Flash Drive remember-?"

"Listen Foolish, I know you care a lot about that Flash Drive, but it's too dangerous for us to go back to their base" Sapnap says

"Not their base! The Warehouse"

George nods "The one where Karl and I managed to intercept the Package from LA"

Foolish nods "To our research, they've cleared out of that place but didn't take everything. Your mission is to see what's left"

Dream nods "We accept, right guys?"

Karl nods "Should be no problem for us!"

Foolish smiles "Perfect, Callahan and I will keep survalance over the site, it just comes down to you guys"

"Right, let's go" Dream says and the four of them head out towards the Dynalegion Warehouse.

"This warehouse is just as creepy as I remember it" Karl shutters

"Let's just look around then get out" George says "Something feels off..."

"You three stay here, I'll go look ahead first" Dream says, slowly making his way to one of the open warehouse doors and looked around

Clay, Codename: Dream, SpyCatcher. As leader of this smaller group of Spies, Dream Specilizes in taking out Enemy Spies, so he has lots of experience sneaking around and has a really keen eye.

"It's clear" He looks over to the other three "Let's get moving Boys"

The three of them all go up to him

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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