Chapter 5: Lily

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You were standing outside a gate. The house beyond it was huge. Plus there was a huge camper van next to it. It was a bit excessive.

"How many people live here?" You asked quietly.

"So far? Thirteen." Poppy said as she used her magic to open the gate.

"What do you mean so far?" You said suspicious.

"I was just telling you..." she trailed off.

Her expression changed. It was sad. She looked off into the distance. She took a shuttering breath.

"Poppy?" You asked placing a hand on her shoulder.

She held out her hands and muttered to herself. She was doing an incantation. You just waited for her to finish. She sighed and lowered her hands.

"This Malcolm is a real piece of fucking work." Poppy said anger in her voice.

"Wow." You said shocked.

You could count the number of times that Poppy had cursed on one hand.

"I just had release a soul. A baby." She said her eyes foggy.

"The fuck did you just say?" You growled.

"I won't repeat it. We need to go inside." Poppy said heading toward the house.

Lily heard giggling and laughing coming from the camper van.

You were both silent as the grave as you made your way to the house. You were both good at not being noticed. You'd both had to be able to blend in. Be invisible. If they can't see you, they can't kill you. You'd made it into the foyer which was huge. This place was huge but somehow homey.

You could feel the restless feeling inside growing wild. You noticed Poppy fidgeting and fixing herself. Was she primping?

"What is going on?" You asked fully alert to the fact that there was something she definitely wasn't telling you.

"Just keep moving." Poppy said waving her off.

You followed her to the kitchen. There was clearly a pack meeting taking place.

"I hate to ruin this moment but there is something we need to talk about before Poppy gets here. In order for Poppy to help, she'll want details from the victims. She'll want it all. She wants to make sure that whoever this is deserves what she'll bring upon them." A woman said seriously.

"What will she bring upon them?" A man with a deep voice said looking rather apprehensive.

"Whatever I see fit." Poppy said as she made your presence known.

She was always one for the dramatics. You wanted to roll your eyes at her. As you entered the room you felt the breath leave your lungs.

The entire room jumped and moved away. Except for two men. One blonde and one dark haired. The dark haired man with tattoos and piercings looked you over like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. His eyes traveling you almost felt like he was touching you from across the room.

"See I told you, Lily. They were here." Poppy said smugly.

"I didn't doubt you, Poppy." You said not taking your eyes from your mate.

She gave a small scoff sound. You'd definitely doubted her.

He was absolutely stunning. You had to force yourself to breathe normally again.

Poppy went back to business as usual. She really couldn't help herself sometimes. When she had a goal or a mission she was focused on that until she achieved it. She was dedicated to the point of near obsession.

Their Mates {Book 6 of the BTS Wolfpack Series} Where stories live. Discover now