Dearest Older Brother

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Dearest Older Brother

"GET THE HELL BACK HERE!" cried a stressed out teen. He scrambled through the forest to catch up to his little three (nearly four)-year-old brother that escaped him once again. In his right hand was a small tan shirt and his sheathed Elucidator was held in his left. He just finished giving Kazuto his bath at the river and he did not expect his little brother to run off into the forest the moment he took his eyes off him. "KAZUTO!"

The small child ignored his brother and headed straight for the small house in the forest. His black hair was partially dry as it bounced slightly. His skin was still covered in droplets of water but he didn't care. He just wanted to go and play. Kazuto giggled as he spotted a familiar blonde haired teenager.

"Eugeo-nii!" he exclaimed. Eugeo turned his head to his direction and widened his eyes. Kazuto was running toward him with a bright smile on his face. One thing he couldn't help but notice, was the fact that Kazuto only had a pair of pants on.

"Oh, Goddess!" he said and immediately dropped the bundle of chopped wood in his arms. Kazuto didn't slow down as he leapt into Eugeo's expectant arms. The older teen grunted as he stumbled back into the wall of their house. Kazuto was laughing as he looked up with his innocent black eyes.

"Spin me!" he demanded. Eugeo shook his head as he placed the child back down.

"No. Where is your shirt, Kazuto?" he questioned the boy. "More importantly, where's your brother?"

Kazuto only laughed and ran inside the house, not bothering to answer the question. Eugeo sighed as he shook his head once more.


The said boy nearly groaned as he looked up to see Kirito waving a shirt in the air as he ran toward him. Immediately, he pieced everything together in his head. Obviously, Kirito wasn't able to keep his brother in place long enough to get him dressed.

"He's inside." Eugeo said as he held the door open for Kirito. The nineteen-year-old restorer gave him a quick "Sorry, but thanks!" as he ran inside. Eugeo chuckled softly and looked at the fallen logs. "Well, I think I'll-"


He cut himself off as he heard a door slam shut and a loud thud. Not even a split second later he could hear Kazuto banging on a door calling out with his high-pitched voice.

"Yui-nii! You meanie!"

Eugeo sweatdropped and finally finished his sentence.

"-just stay out here and let Kirito handle this. By the Goddess, I wonder how I even tolerate that little brat..."

._._.~A Few Minutes Earlier~._._.

Yukio heard Kirito's distant yelling and internally sighed. His train of thought crashed into a wall and burned into ashes in his head. Since the day Kirito brought over his little brother nearly four years ago, there wasn't a day where absolutely nothing would happen. At first, he was completely tempted to yell at Kirito for bringing a baby in the forest, but it wasn't in his nature to say anything louder than a subdued voice. Heck, the boys themselves knew next to nothing about raising a child! But, Kirito practically had nowhere to go to hide the child since they all knew that Goddess-damn Authorities would be looking in every town. So, bringing Kazuto to Kirito's foster mother, Lady Ellonie, was completely out of the question.

He later learned, as Kazuto grew, that it wasn't all that bad. The little boy was like a bundle of curiosity and a head-splitting troublemaker at the same time. Kazuto would always bother him when Kirito or Eugeo weren't around. To shut him up, Yukio would pick him up, place him on his lap, and begin working around the child. He found it rather creepy that he actually grew to like the child.

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