Chapter 1

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My black converse made its way out of the woods I now visited everyday. I've always been the type to love nature, mostly the woods. It gives me the feeling like I'm home and I know its weird but it always makes me safe, safer than my own home I'm headed off to now. It was evening already. I guess I had overslept in the place I call home. My cold hands reached for the back pocket of my skinny jeans as I took out my phone to check the time.

8:45. I sighed. What am I gonna tell mom? My parents split when I was two. So, I really have no idea what my dad looked like. And honestly I don't wanna know either. My mom is constantly working from five in the morning till seven, and I appreciate her alot for all she has done. Raised me, gave me food, a nice shelter and good education. And still she is beautiful.

A shiver ran down my spine as I spotted the dark alley. I always take that way to home but since it's too late, I'm having second thoughts about it. Stories like how a girl got raped or got killed while taking the alley raced my mind. I took a step towards the dark, clutching my backpack and swallowing the now formed lump in my throat. What could go wrong anyway?

Surprised at the sudden confidence, my feet dragged it's way forward before I heard, "Are you alone?" I turned around and a guy probably six feet tall stood there. My heart started racing and the most scariest part was he was all dressed in black. He came closer but still kept his distance. He had his hood over his head so I couldn't see his face and plus the dark wasn't helping at all.

"You know I'm not some rapist or anything if you were thinking like that. I'm just trying to help.", his voice came out husky but kind at the same time. Something inside me told me he was being sincere and instantly I breathed out the breath I was holding. Instead I smiled at him,"Sorry."
He quietly nodded. After a moment of silence he said,"Do you want me to take you home? I mean considering the fact that its late and dangerous." I looked at him then the alley. I really wanted him to walk with me but what if I annoy him? He may have some real important stuff to do and I don't want to be the one to stop it. "Please, I insist" he told me.

"Okay, thank you." I slightly smiled at him. We started walking in the dark and somehow it was unusually quite, like it was just the two of us. He broke the silence, "So, what's your name?" the same deep tone asked. "Hope. Hope Anderson", I replied. I wasn't the one to give out information's to anyone let alone a stranger I just met but something told me I could trust him. "What about you?", I looked at him but all he did was look forward avoiding eye contact. And finally he said,"Vincent."

I simply gave him a nod and we walked in silence. It was actually comfortable. "Well here's my house", I sighed and he nodded. His hands reached up and rested at the pocket of his hoodie. "Goodnight", he whispered. "Goodnight" I said. I took out the key of the front door and put them in the lock. I turned around to thank him again but when I turned he was nowhere in sight.

My brows furrowed but i quickly shrugged it off and opened the door very quietly expecting my mom to fill me with questions but I was wrong. I huffed and turned the lights on. I walked to the kitchen to drink some water when I noticed a note taped to the refrigerator. Dear hope, I saw you weren't at home at two since you had school but I have to go again. Don't stay up late, I will be home when who knows what. Dinners in the oven. Love mom, xoxo.

I silently thanked god and opened the oven to see spaghetti and meatballs. I took it to my room and kicked off my shoes at the corner. I turned on my T.V laying on my bed watching a random movie. But somehow my mind drifted off to him. I couldn't stop thinking about him. Eating my dinner and changing into my pajamas, I pulled the covers over my body and hugged the pillow to my left. Still thinking about the little moment with that guy, I drifted off into a deep sleep.

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