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Chucky: *pulls out a knife*

Junior: How many of those do you have? 

Chucky: *pulling out more* How many do you need?


Chucky: Don’t worry, Jake likes your butt and fancy hair. I know, I read his diary.

Devon, touching his hair: He thinks it’s fancy?


Jake: I need this thing handled professionally and maturely.

Chucky: Name one time I haven’t acted professionally.

Jake: You’re holding a juice box right now.

Chucky: It stops me from spilling my juice!


Chucky: *finishing a story* And then Andy said, “why can’t I be pretty like you?”

Andy: That's not even close to how it happened.

Chucky: It’s how I remember it.

Andy: Yeah, cause you’re demented!

Chucky: *flattered* Oh, so you think I’m pretty AND demented?


Bree: Hey, boys! How's the bonding going?

Jake: You're the worst!

Junior: You sicken me!

Bree: I see...


Tiffany: What are you going to make for Thanksgiving?

Chucky: Probably a scene.


Junior: *half-awake at 4am, sobbing, and brandishing a frying pan* Wh-Why-y-WH-wHAT are you doing in my house? *gasp* WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!

Chucky: *rummaging through the fridge, visibly unhinged* I want waffle fries.


Devon: I like you.

Jake: Can you excuse me for a moment?

Jake: *loudly from the bathroom five seconds later* JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! OH MY GOD!!! FUCKING SHIT FUCK YEAH!!

Devon: Umm....?

Jake: *returns* Well... Ha-ha... Cool. That's cool


Chucky: Look, I know how bad you must feel right now, but tomorrow morning, I guarantee you'll feel much worse.

Junior: That doesn't make me feel any better.

Chucky: I know


Andy: I'm going to take you out!

Chucky: Great! It's a date.

Andy: I meant that as a threat.

Chucky: See you at five.


Nica (Chucky): * tearing up the room* Where are they?

Nica (Chucky): *looking under a pillow* Who moved them? Who moved my children?

Nica (Chucky): Somebody moved my M&M's, and now I am going to start killing.


Andy: You can't murder your way out of your problems!

Chucky: You keep saying that... and yet my problems keep going away.


Tiffany: Why are you like this?

Chucky: Like what? Charming? Devastatingly handsome? Genius? You’ll have to be more specific.

Tiffany: An asshole.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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