We live in hell.
Society's fucked
Says we're accepted for who we are
but in the end, we get judged.
Get judged for being who we are,
being the person we're supposed to be in life
If society got their way,
everyone would be the same
But the world doesn't work like that.
We are who are,
Whether society accepts or not.
Accepting yourself is the start of it.
You're beautiful and perfect,
Just the way you are.
The way you talk,
The way you communicate,
The way you express yourself
Whether through music,
or your actions.
It makes you... YOU
That unique,
young girl
That's played a role in someone's life.
Your body doesn't say who you are.
Your weight, your skin, your hair, your eyes.
It's all just... there.
There to keep you alive.
Maybe there are some people that don't understand you.
Can't except you,
but there are many more people
that love you, and care for you
Just the person you are.
Don't let society shape you into someone else.
And don't let make you take your life for it.
I may not know your story
and you may just think I'm some person trying to take pity on another.
Someone who probably lives half way across the world.
But trust me, I've been in your position.
Suicidal thoughts can take over your life.
Because, sure, we live in hell.
But you gotta make it your heaven <3
Dedication; Iselin (@anothernothing on Instagram)