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The five of you sat laughing around a small fire as Ray finished up a story. "You say, 'Hello.' And he say, 'What?' And you say, 'That a ugly fish.'" Louis chuckled, bowl in hand, as he leaned back on a tree. You and Naveen sat next to each other, supported by a root that sprung from the ground. Tiana stood, gesturing with her bowl.

"Anyone for seconds?"

Naveen pushed off the ground next to you and approached her with his bowl. "That was magnificent! You two truly have a gift." He said softly, turning back to look at you.

You smiled slightly, feeling a hint of heat in your cheeks. "Why, thank you." You both turned when you heard Ray gasp, finding him on the leaf of a plant, looking up to the night sky with admiration.

You got off the ground and walked over to him, sitting back down on a lily pad. "What is it, Ray?"

"There she is."


He flew up to the sky. "The sweetest firefly in all creation."

Tiana and Naveen hopped over to join you, and your best friend looked around, hopeful. "Evangeline?"

Louis talked with his mouth full as he scarfed down the stew. "I want to meet this girl. Where she at?"

"How you can miss her? She glowing right up there in front of y'all." He gestured up, and you made a small noise of realization, making Naveen glance over at you.

Evangeline wasn't a firefly. She was a star.

In fact, it seemed she was glowing brighter than the rest of them. You looked up at her, and couldn't but feel sorry for Ray. You looked at Naveen in confusion, but he was already looking at you the same way.

Look how she lights up the sky,

Ma belle Evangeline.

Ray painted a heart made of light around the star with a dazed look on his face, however Louis broke the moment as he laughed.

"That ain't no fire..." a thunk was heard as the prince hit Louis in the head with a small rock, shushing him.

So far above me, yet I

Know her heart belongs to only me.

The lightning bug painted another heart of light, only this time it was on a tree. Then, he put two initials in the middle, an E and a R. As he sang in French, Naveen turned to you, eyes slightly hooded.

"I adore you. I love you." You looked at him with wide eyes, but he put his hands up in defense. "I'm just translating." You could see over his other shoulder as Tiana smirked at the pair of you, and you made a face back at her.

You're my queen of the night,

So still, so bright.

That someone as beautiful as she

Could love someone like me.

As you looked up at Ray, Naveen looked at you with heaps of emotion. As he gazed at you, he decided to take the opportunity. He grabbed your hand, pulling you up to dance.

"Oh, no. I only make the music, not move to it." You protested gently. He took your hand again anyway, pulling you to him.

Love always finds a way, it's true.

You pulled away again, hopping to a different lily pad. You hunched over sadly. Tiana just shrugged at the prince, who looked at her dejectedly. You turned to sadly admit, "I've never danced."

And I love you, Evangeline.

Naveen's frown morphed into a sad smile as he understood your hesitation. He pulled the lily pad you were on over to him and offered his hand.

"If I can mince, you can dance." You slowly accepted. Naveen led you as you sloppily waltzed on the lily pad, moving to the beat of Louis' soulful trumpet solo.

Tiana pushed some flowers to swirl around the both of you, and Ray lit them up one by one, casting a pink glow over the both of you as you held a content smile on your face.

The prince pulled you underwater, and you danced happily with him as you made bubbles and ripples in the water. Ray placed two leaves over his light, one pink and the other teal. It created a spotlight, only adding to the romantic atmosphere.

Love is beautiful.

Love is wonderful.

Love is everything,

Naveen launched you out of the water, a laugh of pure joy escaping you as you landed back on the lily pad, still holding each other close. He twirled you around.

Do you agree?

Mais oui!

Naveen dipped you, and your hand went to his cheek as you made deep eye contact. As the prince looked down on you, the reflection of Evangeline in your eye made you sparkle like he had never seen before. His expression melted, only holding a soft look of love in his eyes.

Look how she lights up the sky,

I love you, Evangeline.

He pulled you back up, and both of your eyes began to close. Your hand brushed his cheek as you seemed to draw infinitely closer to each other. Right as you were about to kiss, your eyes fluttered open, seeming to realize what was about to happen. You put your hand on his chest to stop him, and he let out a sheepish laugh.

You removed his hands from your waist and stepped away. "Lottie's getting herself one heck of a dance partner." Tiana looked on with a sad smile, as she too knew what you were implying.

As much as you'd like to do whatever this was, you couldn't betray your other best friend.

"We, um, we best be pushing on." You said, giving him a tight-lipped smile of apology. You hopped away, even as Naveen lifted his hand and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something.

Tiana patted your back lovingly. "Come on, sugar."

He sighed in disappointment, looking down to the shadow he cast on the lily pad. He saw a clawed hand of shadows appear out of nowhere, gasping with fear as it snatched him from where he stood. He screamed, clawing the ground, as he was dragged away.

"Y/n! Tiana!"

"Naveen!" You shouted back, worriedly. You and Tiana hopped after him frantically, as Louis gasped and headed his way as well. The four of you chased the shadows, running as fast as you could.

"No, no, no!" Ray exclaimed.

The prince grabbed onto a log to slow him down, but the shadows pulled with such force that he quickly lost his grasp on the log and continued on his involuntary journey through the swamp. As the shadow was speeding across the water, a burst of gold dispersed it. One of its companions gasped as it was destroyed as well. Left and right, demons were shriveling up as rays of golden light hit them.

Naveen surfaced from the water he had fallen in, looking around hysterically. The four of you quickly caught up to him, Louis bending over to catch his breath. You threw a small vine into the water and pulled Naveen to shore.

Your group watched as a shadow grew larger and larger in the fog, ominous and imminent. The figure raised the club-like weapon it held, and you grabbed onto Naveen's hand as you all cowered in fear.

Suddenly, you heard a weathered laugh as a point of light appeared in the fog. The clouds faded away, revealing an old woman wearing white clothes and sunglasses.

She put her hand on her hip and twirled her torch in her hand, laughing. "Not bad for a 197-year-old blind lady."

"Now which one of you naughty children been messing with the Shadow Man?"

You released the prince's hand--which you didn't realize you were still holding--and stepped back as everyone pointed at him.

"Oh, come on!"

𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐞𝐧Where stories live. Discover now